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IssuesMedio ambienteLandLibrary Resource
There are 6, 186 content items of different types and languages related to Medio ambiente on the Land Portal.

Medio ambiente


Displaying 601 - 612 of 3173

Law No. 60/VIII/2014 establishing the legal regime for urban land planning.

Cabo Verde
África occidental

This Law, consisting of 6 Chapters, establishes the legal regime for urban land planning. It specifies the requirements to be satisfied in order to perform any urban operations, including allotment, urbanization, construction and use and conservation of buildings. The Law is divided as follows: Preliminary provisions (I); Preliminary inspection (II); Education and controls (III); Guarantee for individuals (IV); Taxes for urban works (V); Final provisions (VI).

Amended by: Rectification of Law No. 60/VIII/2014 on the legal regime for urban land. (2014-06-27)

Order No. 418 on electronic planning registration PlansystemDK.

Europa septentrional

This Order sets regulations concerning the electronic registration of planning via PlansystemDK, which is a national digital system and register containing proposals of adopted plannings that are provided in accordance with the Planning Act and plans covered by the Act's article 54b, section 6. In PlansystemDK plannings are made available and can be accessed at All information must be submitted to this portal no later than 30 June 2014.

Implements: Planning Act (No. 587 of 2013). (2013-05-27)

Order No. 36 of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology validating the Regulation on state nature reserve “Nurgush”.

Europa oriental

This Order establishes that protection area shall be established with a view of protection of unique nature complexes and ecosystems of the protected area against unfavourable anthropogenic impact, conservation of old-age forests and biological diversity. Forest plots within the boundaries of protection area shall not be expropriated from landowners, land tenants, and servitude holders.

Drafted Act 2013/1 LSF 199 amending Acts on buffer zones and environmental law.

Europa septentrional

The proposed draft partly amends Acts No. 591 and No. 932 with regard to the scope and further consultation of water plannings in certain environmentally protected areas such as watercourses. Fertilization may NOT occur in rural areas in a buffer zone of max. 10 meters from the limits of watercourses and lakes of a surface greater than 100 square meters. The specific changes and plannings shall be electronically registered with the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries.

Resolución Nº 125/14/MINAM - Protocolo de Muestreo por Emergencia Ambiental para suelos.

América del Sur

La presente Resolución aprueba el Protocolo de Muestreo por Emergencia Ambiental, que tiene como objetivo estandarizar los procedimientos para la recolección de muestras de suelos en el marco de la declaratoria de emergencia ambiental, que permita identificar los sitios impactados y potencialmente contaminados, y como resultado de esta identificación proponer las medidas adicionales para reducir y controlar los riesgos e impacto al ambiente y a la salud derivados de la contaminación de los suelos.

Regional Act No. 3 on mountain areas.

Europa meridional

This Regional Act sets out the legislative framework for promoting the economic and social development of mountain areas. To this end it promotes the creation of “mountain unions” which are composed of municipalities falling within mountain territories. These entities shall exercise the functions listed in article 3, which cover the following areas: land reclamation in mountain territories; management of waters resources; forest management; renewable sources of energy. The Regional Fund for Mountain Areas is set up for the attainment of the objectives pursued by this law.

Regional Law No. 8-RZ "On protected areas".

Europa oriental

This Regional Law regulates relations in the sphere of organization, protection and management of protected areas with a view of conservation of unique and typical natural ecosystems and objects, particular natural formations, objects of wild fauna and wild flora and genetic resources thereof, study of natural processes in the biosphere and control over change of its state, and also for ecological education.

Regional Law “On protected areas”.

Europa oriental

This Regional Law establishes the modalities of conservation and protection of protected areas and defines the status thereof and the status of environmental protection institutions located on their territory, classifying protected areas as follows: (a) state nature reserves, including biosphere reserves; (b) national parks; (c) natural parks; (d) state nature reserves; (e) nature monuments; (f) ecologic-ethnic areas; (g) dendrological parks and botanical gardens; and (h) healthcare and health rehabilitation areas and spas.

Ley Nº 31 – Ley Marco de Autonomías y Descentralización.

América del Sur

La presente Ley regula el régimen de autonomías en base al artículo 271 de la Constitución Política del Estado y las bases de la organización territorial del Estado establecidos en su Parte Tercera, que dispone que Bolivia se constituye en un Estado Unitario Social de Derecho Plurinacional Comunitario, libre, independiente, soberano, democrático, intercultural, descentralizado y con autonomías, que garantiza la libre determinación de las naciones y pueblos indígena originario campesinos preservando la unidad del país.

European Communities (Good Agricultural Practice for Protection of Waters) Regulations 2014 (S.I. No. 31 of 2014).

Europa septentrional

These Regulations provide, for purposes of implementation of the give effect to Irelands Third Nitrates Action Programme, rules relative to good agricultural practice to protect waters against pollution from agricultural sources and prescribe measures for these purposes, including: periods when land application of fertilizers is prohibited; limits on the land application of fertilizers; storage requirements for livestock manure; and monitoring of the effectiveness of the measures in terms of agricultural practice and impact on water quality.

Decreto Nº 7-99: Ley de Dignificación y Promoción Integral de la Mujer.

América central

La presente Ley tiene como objetivos: a) promover el desarrollo integral de la mujer y su participación en todos los niveles de la vida económica, política y social de Guatemala; b) promover el desarrollo de los derechos fundamentales que con relación a la dignificación y promoción de la mujer, se encuentran establecidos en la Constitución Política de la República, las convenciones internacionales de derechos humanos de las mujeres y los planes de acción emanados de las conferencias internacionales sobre la temática de la mujer.