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Countries Sudáfrica related Organization


Displaying 13 - 24 of 56
Western Cape
101 Davidson Road George Western Cape South Africa
SCLC's focus is on labour, tenure and human rights of farm- and forestry workers and dwellers, access to land and resources for small-scale / subsistence farmers and producers, and support and solidarity for communities resisting land development which threatens their homes, livelihoods, health and…
Western Cape
266 Lower Main Road Cape Town Western Cape South Africa
Tshintsha Amakhaya is a civil society alliance for land and food justice in South Africa. Rural women and men stand united in solidarity to advance their rights and secure livelihoods. Our members are farm workers, farm dwellers, smallholder farmers, fisher folk, forest dwellers, livestock keepers…
106 Schoeman Street Polokwane Limpopo South Africa
Vision: Land is available, accessible and effectively utilised by previously landless and marginalised people.   Mission: Nkuzi works towards the empowerment of disadvantaged men and women to have access to sufficient land secure tenure security, food security, provision of basic services and…
357 Visagie Street Pretoria South Africa
Mission: To provide free legal services to vulnerable individuals and communities that have been denied their constitutional rights. Our overarching goal is to “make rights real”; we aim to ensure that the progressive promise of our national legislation is realised by representing clients (South…
Eastern Cape
No. 60 Wesley Street Mthatha Eastern Cape South Africa
Vision: Eastern Cape communities participate in robust redistributive rural economies that fully meet their livelihoods needs. Mission: Transkei Land Services Organisation advocates for and facilities equal, secured access to land and other natural resources to promote land rights and sustainable…
Eastern Cape
9 Wynne Street East London Eastern Cape South Africa
Our vision is of a self-reliant society in which people have equitable access to resources and institutions are an expression of people’s needs and aspirations. Our mission is to support civic agency through catalytic interventions aimed at achieving systemic change in good local governance and…
62 Marshall Street Johannesburg Gauteng South Africa
  LAMOSA is an independent Community Based Organization (CBO) advocating for land and agrarian rights, and substantive democracy through facilitating sustainable development.  LAMOSA was established in 1991 to mobilize disposed communities to collectively fight discriminatory colonial and apartheid…
15th and 16th Floor, Bram Fis­cher Tow­ers 20 Albert Street Johan­nes­burg Gauteng South Africa
  The Legal Resources Centre (LRC) is South Africa’s largest public interest, human rights law clinic. Established in 1979, we use the law as an instrument of justice for the vulnerable and marginalised, including poor, homeless and landless people.
South Africa
LEAP came into existence in 1988 when a group of KwaZulu-Natal land practitioners from NGOs, government and the private sector began to focus on why the communal property institutions (CPIs) set up under land reform appeared to be failing. The Legal Entity Assessment Project, as it was initially…
6th floor, Aspern House 56 De Korte Street Johannesburg Gauteng South Africa
SERI is a public interest legal services organisation that provides pro-bono assistance to communities through research, advocacy and litigation across three main themes: ‘Securing a Home’, ‘Making a Living’ and ‘Expanding Political Space’.
Lynwood Road & Roper Street Pretoria Gauteng South Africa
The South African Land Observatory is an initiative whose overall objective is to promote evidence-based and inclusive decision-making over land resources in South Africa. As its name ‘Observatory’ suggests, it collects data and information on land. The initiative is a repository of what is…
85 Durban Rd, Mowbray Cape Town South Africa
LARC is a research and advocacy unit within the Law Department of the University of Cape Town concerned with power relations, and the impact of national laws and policy in framing the balance of patriarchal and autocratic power within which rural women and men struggle for democratic change at the…