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Countries Tanzania related Blog post


Displaying 25 - 36 of 56
3 Mayo 2021
Prof. Cheryl Doss, Dr. Vanya Slavchevska
Advancing women’s land rights is a priority for the international development agenda. Yet, there is no consensus on which rights should be monitored and reported. Three indicators of women’s property rights are widely used in the literature. Each captures a different aspect of women’s land rights,…
25 Marzo 2021
Godfrey Massay
The Commission on the Status of Women convenes its 65th Session (CSW65) from 15-26 March. The priority theme of the session is “women's full and effective participation and decision-making in public life, as well as the elimination of violence, for achieving gender equality and the empowerment of…
4 Marzo 2021
Secure land and resource rights are critical for household wellbeing and livelihoods in many developing countries, where land is the principal asset for the rural poor. Despite women’s vital role in food production, they are less likely than men to own and control land. Forty percent of the world’s…
2 Febrero 2021
Chris Jochnick
2020 was a tough year on many fronts, and land rights were no exception. COVID-19 hindered land rights advocates from doing field research, meeting with government officials, prioritizing policy initiatives, and obtaining funding. Despite these headwinds, we have seen important advances, and the…
20 Enero 2021
Yuliya Panfil, Ms. Ailey Kaiser Hughes, Stephanie Sampson
Land technology is moving at warp speed. How will the Biden administration and Samantha Power ensure women benefit? Today Joe Biden is inaugurated as the 46th president of the United States. The change of administration will bring radical shifts in the United States’ foreign and domestic policy and…
2 Diciembre 2020
Marcello Demaria, Amayaa Wijesinghe
The global soybean trade was worth about 9.5 billion of US dollars in 2000. By the end of this year – in 2020 – it is projected to exceed 60 billion[1]. This is just one of the many figures that explains why the last two decades might be remembered as the Great Soybean Expansion, the period when…
15 Octubre 2020
A new blog series featuring voices from East and West Africa will take a closer look at a set of principles we think strengthens women’s land rights. Here, IIED’s Philippine Sutz tells us what to expect…
17 Julio 2020
Por Marcos Candido  A agricultora Maria Josefa costuma dizer que mora "no meio do mato", rodeada por um pomar colorido pelos tons alaranjados dos pés de acerola e cacau cultivadas por ela na comunidade Tancredo Neves, em São Félix do Xingu, no Pará. Lá a telefonia não chega, e até 2017 não havia…
30 Abril 2020
Ezekiel Kereri
Anna Letaiko is a middle-aged woman with a soft voice that carries wisdom and strength. Her husband is an older man, and together they live in small mud house in Mundarara – a remote village in Longido district in Tanzania, accessible only by a rough dirt road. It is a Maasai community similar to…
31 Marzo 2020
Emmanuel Mbise
As a Swahili speaker from Tanzania, I have not often had the opportunity to meet or work with people from remote Maasai communities. However, I recently visited the villages of Naisinyai and Mundarara in the north of the country as part of a global research project on women’s land rights in…
25 Febrero 2020
Joyce Ndakaru
When I was young, I was taught through my Maasai heritage that a woman is the property of her husband and is valued on the basis of how many children she can produce – and not by her education or economic success.  I was also taught that the position of Maasai women is lower than that of men. If a…
30 Enero 2020
Dr. Elizabeth Daley
I write this blog as our project team embarks on a fifth year of work on women’s land tenure security (WOLTS) with pastoral communities in mining-affected areas of Mongolia and Tanzania. Just before Christmas 2019, we were in Mundarara village in northern Tanzania. Exceptionally heavy rains made…