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Countries República Democrática del Congo related News

República Democrática del Congo

Displaying 37 - 48 of 186
16 Mayo 2022
The Democratic Republic of Congo is putting 16 oil exploration blocks up for auction, including nine in the peatlands of the Cuvette Centrale. Environmentalists warn that oil exploration and infrastructure for production could release huge amounts of carbon stored in the peatland and threaten the…
6 Mayo 2022
The publication of an audit of forestry contracts in the Democratic Republic of Congo has exposed serious management failures. The audit cites serial breaches of the country’s forest code and more than a dozen violations of a 2002 moratorium on new concessions. The DRC’s environment minister…
3 Mayo 2022
Rwanda, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), and Burundi are set to benefit from a regional initiative dubbed “Transforming Agri-Food Systems in West and Central Africa (TAFS-WCA)” which is aimed to increase food security and combat climate crisis.     The $25 million initiative was launched by…
1 Abril 2022
Audit says ministry gave illegal permits, didn’t collect taxes Publication is step to unlocking $500 million in climate funds The Democratic Republic of Congo published a scathing government audit report on the state of its forest and logging concessions, a first step in unlocking as much as $…
17 Marzo 2022
Kinandu village residents in southern Democratic Republic of Congo are taking part in a reforestation initiative in the miombo woodlands while land grabs are simultaneously on the rise. The fear of losing the land on which they were born and raised, coupled with an awareness of the environmental…
3 Marzo 2022
An investigation by El País/Planeta Futuro has found evidence of irregularities in the allocation of “conservation concessions” and carbon-trading schemes in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The investigation uncovered allegations that concessions covering millions of hectares were illegally…
8 Febrero 2022
Communities living adjacent to the PHC oil palm plantations in DRC face arrests, beatings, and extrajudicial killings at the hands of private security and police. Under the majority ownership of Kuramo Capital Management (KCM), conditions have recently further deteriorated — with violent repression…
31 Enero 2022
Dans l’est de la RDC, où un conflit sans fin a provoqué le déplacement de millions de personnes, le HCR collabore avec des organisations locales pour fournir une aide juridique et psychosociale aux communautés. Rosette* n’a que 15 ans mais fait preuve d’un grand courage lorsqu’elle évoque le jour…
25 Enero 2022
Armed men, including two dressed in police uniform, attacked the home of Congolese lawyer Timothée Mbuya earlier this month and told family members they were sent to kill him. Mbuya is also facing a defamation lawsuit after publishing a report alleging encroachment of a protected area by a farm…
13 Enero 2022
Lawyers in the Congo provide a rare look at the workers extracting a metal critical to the battery business   Not too long ago, reports emerging from the Democratic Republic of Congo jumpstarted many of the conversations about mining for renewable energy technology. The Congo last year produced…
4 Enero 2022
Dans la région du Katanga, au sud de la RDC, les paysans sont de plus en plus dépossédés de leurs terres agricoles au profit soit des grands fermiers soit des miniers. Les indemnisations sont quasi inexistantes et s’il y en a, elles sont souvent dérisoires. Conséquence : les petits producteurs…
23 Diciembre 2021
L’Union pour l’Emancipation de la Femme Autochtone (UEFA); plaide pour l’implication du gouvernement Congolais dans la sécurisation de la terre; et de relever les besoins immédiats des communautés locales; notamment les peuples autochtones vivants dans le territoire de Kalehe et ailleurs. Lors…