What is the role of land law in natural disasters? Are current global systems of land law fit-for-purpose as we experience escalating rates of climate disruption?
Daniel Fitzpatrick and Caroline Compton consider these questions in their recent book on Law, Property and Disasters : Adaptive…
This panel took a critical look at the land governance orthodoxy that has consolidated on the heels of the financial crisis and outcry over "global land grabs" at the end of the 2000s. The panel began with a presentation on the “theory of change” guiding land governance interventions, profiling how…
This session focussed on the transition towards more sustainable food systems in light of the upcoming UN Food Systems Summit. Four presenters shared their work, mostly from sub-Saharan Africa, and their recommendations towards more fair and sustainable production of food, as well as recommendation…
Across much of Africa, land is not allocated and inherited under statutory law but through customary practices rooted in kinship. In patrilineal systems, land belongs to men’s families and is inherited through the paternal line.
In Zambia, many ethnic groups follow a matrilineal system, where women…
Dans son livre L’Invention du colonialisme vert. Pour en finir avec le mythe de l’Éden africain (Flammarion, 2020), l’historien de l’environnement Guillaume Blanc analyse les ressorts et les conséquences d’une vision idéalisée de la nature africaine héritée de la période coloniale…
Ainda hoje o continente africano tem enfrentado diversos desafios em torno do desenvolvimento dos seus Estados e dos seus povos
Por Caroline Matias de Souza *
O governo alemão, depois de mais de cem anos, reconheceu sua responsabilidade num dos primeiros genocídios do século XX, cometido…
Escrito por Matthew Maganga | Traduzido por Camilla Sbeghen
A África do Sul é um país dinâmico e em constante evolução - que nos últimos anos viu o surgimento de marcos que alcançaram reconhecimento global. Na Cidade do Cabo, há a exclusiva fachada do Zeitz Museum of Contemporary Art Africa do…
Le 4 mai dernier, RRI a organisé un stage régional consacré à la justice de genre pour ses partenaires et collaborateurs africains. Les objectifs de ce stage étaient de trois ordres : 1) accroître le degré de sensibilisation concernant l’état des droits fonciers collectifs des femmes dans la…
Près de la moitié de la population mondiale vit dans les zones rurales des pays à revenu faible ou intermédiaire. La sécurité foncière – à savoir le droit d’accéder aux terres et aux ressources naturelles, comme les forêts, les zones de pâturage communal, les zones de pêche et d’autres ressources…
As part of the launch of the Responsible Land-Based Investment Navigator 2.0, the Land Portal spoke with Nathaniah Jacobs, Senior Researcher at the International Institute for Environment and Development, to hear more about the Advancing Land-based Investment Governance (ALIGN) project. The…
A 2021 African land rush seems unlikely, but issues persist
Joseph Feyertag is a research fellow at the Overseas Development Institute (ODI), Roger Calow is a senior research fellow at the ODI, and Ben Bowie is a director at TMP Systems.
The late 2000s saw a surge of land investments in the…
Diana Kyalo, 26, is a land rights advocate and founder of Land Pages, a resource portal for land issues across Africa. She lives in Kenya.
For Earth Day, Diana shared some challenges and opportunities in the fight against climate change, why youth are leading the drive for action, and her vision…