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Countries África related Blog post


Displaying 121 - 132 of 296
11 Enero 2022
Dans cette nouvelle série de blogs, la facilitatrice de la Coalition Nationale Foncière au Cameroun revient sur sa participation à la conférence ALIN 2021 et sur ce que la garantie des droits fonciers communautaires apporte aux pays qui le pratiquent Trois mois après ma participation au 3eme…
10 Diciembre 2021
Caroline Kruckow
Three new case studies show: In the context of large-scale land investments in Africa, human rights violations and social as well as environmental damages are the rule, not the exception. The message of the studies is therefore clear: development banks and their governments must do more for human…
3 Diciembre 2021
Khadija Mrisho
In Africa women play an integral role in the continent’s agriculture sector, representing up to 60 percent of the agricultural labour force in some countries. In Tanzania, agriculture accounts for the largest share of employment, more than 80 percent of women are engaging in agricultural activities…
18 Noviembre 2021
  AFRICAN STATES MAY NOT IMPLEMENT COMMUNITY LAND TITLING SUCCESSFULLY Most African governments have passed laws that promote the titling of community land. For instance, Kenya enacted the community land law. However, these regulations have not been fully implemented (IDLO, 2010). The reasons for…
18 Noviembre 2021
Since I joined campus, I have heard about vision 2030 and sustainable Development Goals and wondered what this is all about. We are about eight years shy to reach 2030. What have we done so far? Corona is here with us, with the developing countries hit the most. Thank God for the support we have…
4 Noviembre 2021
Akinwumi Adesina
Une sécheresse dévastatrice à Madagascar, de graves inondations en Afrique de l’Est et de puissants cyclones au Mozambique. Ces récentes catastrophes naturelles ne sont qu’un avant-goût de ce qui attend l’Afrique avec l’intensification de la crise du climat. Le changement climatique est à l’origine…
26 Octubre 2021
When the VGGT were endorsed, the environment was ripe for such an instrument as the world was facing a significant number of challenges regarding governance of tenure. For example, the world was facing challenges in terms of land based investments. There was an increase in conflicts related to…
26 Octubre 2021
Ahead of the 2021 Conference on Land Policy in Africa (CLPA), taking place 1 - 4 November, the Land Portal spoke with three members of the organizing committee. Dr. Rexford A. Ahene is a Professor of Economics at Lafayette College and the Chair of this year's Scientific Committee at the CLPA-2021…
20 Octubre 2021
Foto: Jorge Nogueira Numa altura em que os saharauis, cansados de esperar pelo direito internacional e as promessas das Nações Unidas, voltam a pegar em armas, recordo a última vez que estive com um povo deixado no meio do deserto a quem roubaram a terra. Por Nuno Ramos de Almeida  São pedras a…
14 Octubre 2021
Ellen Hagerman
Comprendre les inégalités femmes-hommes dans un secteur donné et concevoir des programmes soucieux d’y remédier est essentiel à la réussite des projets de développement international. Alors que l’on célèbre demain, vendredi 15 octobre, la Journée internationale de la femme rurale, Ellen Hagerman,…
8 Septiembre 2021
River Park Estates, Abuja, Nigeria. Imagem Cortesia de Common Edge   Escrito por Mathias Agbo, Jr. | Traduzido por Vinicius Libardoni em Arch Daily Este artigo foi publicado originalmente em Common Edge.   Apesar da quebra de ritmo testemunhada pela indústria da construção civil ao longo dos…
5 Agosto 2021
Submission Deadline: All manuscripts should be submitted for consideration by December 31, 2021. The global environmental crisis is intertwined with the crisis of social and economic inequality. From coal plants to palm oil plantations, economic activities that threaten the planet are concentrated…