The session Energy and Climate Justice: A Community aimed to cover discussions onglobal trends around renewable energy and climate finance by adopting a nexus approach connecting land tenure, community, and justice. The following aspects were drawn from comparative experiences from global south…
LANDac International Conference 2022 Session Summary
During this session, we explored the question of doing harm. Giorgio Ferrari from the Knowledge Platform of Security and Rule of Law facilitated the session, which was co-organised with LAND-at-scale. Andreas Brown set the scene by introducing…
LANDac International Conference 2022 Session Summary
The session considered whether there is in fact a data revolution in the land sector. This was done by examining the State of Land Data (SOLI) in Namibia and South Africa and comparing this with a global perspective of land data. The panel…
The session co-organised by TMG research and the Danish Institute of Human Rights looked at the interlinkages between responsible land governance and human rights. Participants discussed critical questions such as: can a more explicit embedding of land rights work in Human Rights correct overly…
This LANDac session drew on the Land Portal Foundation’s experience working at the crossroads of land governance and open data. With the recent launch of the Land Module, a first of its kind global index on land data, it was a good moment to pause, reflect, and take lessons from the work that we…
The session had as its main aim to try to understand what is needed to scale up the existing solutions on improving Land Governance and/or land administration. Has been seen that the use of Fit for Purpose in several countries at the pilot level has good results. The presentation of cases was a…
LANDac International Conference 2022 Session Summary
Indigenous and local communities are fighting to secure their territories all around the world, threatened by extractive, agro-industrial and energy companies responsible for human rights violations and environmental destruction. In this context…
Las Directrices voluntarias sobre la gobernanza responsable de la tenencia de la tierra, la pesca y los bosques en el contexto de la seguridad alimentaria nacional (las DVGT del CSA) promueven derechos de tenencia seguros y un acceso equitativo a la tierra, la pesca y los bosques como medio para…
El reconocimiento de los derechos de los pueblos indígenas es la vía para proteger la vida en el planeta
Kenia, Nairobi.- La pérdida de la biodiversidad en el planeta es una de las problemáticas más graves que profundización la crisis climática, en este contexto, desde el 21 al 26 de junio de…
Unodc. Duas jovens vítimas de tráfico humano, que foram resgatadas e estão recebendo apoio em um abrigo no Malawi
Siobhán Mullally apresentou ao Conselho de Direitos Humanos números sobre crianças e adultos trabalhando na informalidade e sem proteção; ela citou riscos de violência sexual para…
17 de junho de 2022- Hoje é o dia da desertificação e da seca (#DesertificationAndDroughtDay) e para destacar a ocasião, o Land Portal, a FAO e a UNCCD se uniram para lançar dois novos produtos; um portifólio e podcast, aprofundando a importância da relação entre a posse e a Neutralidade da…
17 de junio de 2022- Hoy se celebra el #DíaDesertificaciónySequía y para destacar la ocasión, Land Portal, FAO y CNULD se han unido para lanzar dos nuevos productos: un portafolio y un podcast, que profundizan en la importante relación entre la tenencia de la tierra y la Neutralidad en la…