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Total Area of Holdings
Total Area (Ha) of agricultural holdings in a given country in a given year.
Measurement unit:
Total hectares in Agri unspecified (Agriculture) deals
Total Area (ha) for Agri unspecified (Agriculture) deals in a gven country over the overall time period 2000-2020. A "deal" is referred to as an intended, concluded or failed attempt to acquire at least 200 Ha of land through purchase, lease or concession.
Measurement unit:
Total hectares in biofuel (Agriculture) deals
Total Area (ha) for biofuel (Agriculture) deals in a gven country over the period 2000-2015. A "deal" is referred to as an intended, concluded or failed attempt to acquire at least 200 Ha of land through purchase, lease or concession.
Measurement unit:
Total hectares in conservation deals
Total Area (ha) for conservation deals in a gven country over the period 2000-2015. A "deal" is referred to as an intended, concluded or failed attempt to acquire at least 200 Ha of land through purchase, lease or concession.
Measurement unit:
Total hectares in deals of other topic
Total Area (ha) for other topic deals (other than agricultural, forestry, conservation...) in a gven country over the period 2000-2015. A "deal" is referred to as an intended, concluded or failed attempt to acquire at least 200 Ha of land through purchase, lease or concession.
Measurement unit:
Total hectares in fodder deals (agriculture)
The total area (in ha) of deals concerning fodder production in the respective country, reported between 2000 and 2020. A "deal" is referred to as an intended, concluded or failed attempt to acquire at least 200 ha of land through purchase, lease or concession.
Measurement unit:
Total hectares in Food crops (Agriculture) deals
Total Area (ha) for food crops (Agriculture) deals in a gven country over the period 2000-2015. A "deal" is referred to as an intended, concluded or failed attempt to acquire at least 200 Ha of land through purchase, lease or concession.
Measurement unit:
Total hectares in forestry deals
Total Area (ha) for forestry deals in a gven country over the period 2000-2015. A "deal" is referred to as an intended, concluded or failed attempt to acquire at least 200 Ha of land through purchase, lease or concession.
Measurement unit:
Total hectares in industry deals
Total Area (ha) for industry deals in a gven country over the period 2000-2015. A "deal" is referred to as an intended, concluded or failed attempt to acquire at least 200 Ha of land through purchase, lease or concession.
Measurement unit:
Total hectares in Livestock (Agriculture) deals
Total Area (ha) for Livestock (Agriculture) deals in a gven country over the period 2000-2015. A "deal" is referred to as an intended, concluded or failed attempt to acquire at least 200 Ha of land through purchase, lease or concession.
Measurement unit:
Total hectares in Mining deals
The total area (in ha) of deals concerning mining activities in the respective country, per year. A "deal" is referred to as an intended, concluded or failed attempt to acquire at least 200 ha of land through purchase, lease or concession.
Measurement unit:
Total hectares in non-food agricultural commodities (Agriculture) deals
Total Area (ha) for non-food agricultural commodities (Agriculture) deals in a gven country over the period 2000-2015. A "deal" is referred to as an intended, concluded or failed attempt to acquire at least 200 Ha of land through purchase, lease or concession.
Measurement unit:
Total hectares in Oil/Gas extraction deals
The total area (in ha) of deals concerning oil or gas extraction in the respective country, reported between 2000 and 2020. A "deal" is referred to as an intended, concluded or failed attempt to acquire at least 200 ha of land through purchase, lease or concession.
Measurement unit:
Total hectares in renewable energy deals
Total Area (ha) for renewable energy deals in a gven country over the period 2000-2015. A "deal" is referred to as an intended, concluded or failed attempt to acquire at least 200 Ha of land through purchase, lease or concession.
Measurement unit:
Total hectares in tourism deals
Total Area (ha) for tourism deals in a gven country over the period 2000-2015. A "deal" is referred to as an intended, concluded or failed attempt to acquire at least 200 Ha of land through purchase, lease or concession.
Measurement unit:
Total hectares of failed deals
Total Area (ha) calculated as the sum of all failed deals, in a given country over the period 2000-2015. A "deal" is referred to as an intended, concluded or failed attempt to acquire at least 200 Ha of land through purchase, lease or concession.
Measurement unit: