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Neil Sorensen joined the Land Portal as its Communications Specialist in October 2015. He has extensive experience leading communications for international organizations and developing relationships with civil society, donors, intergovernmental agencies, the media and the private sector. Previously, Neil worked for the International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD) as a Governing Bodies Officer and Strategic Adviser to the Secretary of IFAD. He has also led communications for three international organizations, including the International Land Coalition, the International Federation of Agricultural Producers (IFAP) and the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM). He holds a Master’s degree in Global Diplomacy from the University of London School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) as well as a Bachelor’s degree with a double major in German and Sociology from St. Cloud State University.
Displaying 1101 - 1110 of 1170Habitat III Regional Meeting for Africa
Habitat III is the United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development to take place in Quito, Ecuador, from 17 – 20 October 2016.
Gobierno peruano no cumple con proteger tierras y recursos naturales de campesinos e indígenas
En taller nacional, situación de campesinos de Huaral, Moquegua y Ayacucho fueron ejemplo de acaparamiento y explotación en Perú.
Directrices de la Tierra sirvieron para evaluar accionar del Estado sobre cumplimiento y respeto de derechos humanos y al territorio.
Régina a vendu 2 hectares de champs pour 130€: les multinationales menacent les fermiers du Mozambique
Si le nord du Mozambique et ses immenses réserves de gaz et charbon font l'objet de toutes les attentions ces dernières années, son potentiel agricole est aussi convoité par les investisseurs étrangers. Au grand dam de petits exploitants, expropriés pour laisser la place à de méga projets agricoles.
Pour le rachat de sa maison et de ses champs de deux hectares, Régina Macomba, une paysanne quinquagénaire de Mutuali (nord), a touché 6.500 meticals, soit l'équivalent d'environ 130 euros ou deux mois de salaire minimum.
Egypt plans to raise crops in sub-Saharan Africa
CAIRO — Amid Egypt’s water scarcity, which threatens to worsen the country’s food shortage, Cairo is working to form agricultural alliances outside its borders. The efforts — which have been in place as limited experiments since the 1980s under Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak — include sending Egyptian farmers to cultivate land in Sudan and Congo, transfer their expertise to those countries and take advantage of the available water to cover the food needs of the Egyptian people.
Inside Indonesia’s highest-profile land conflict
Masrani stood at the confluence of two rivers in Indonesian Borneo as his father recited the most dreadful oath. The extreme form of sumpah adat, a ritualistic nuclear option for Indonesia’s Dayak indigenous peoples, was reserved for dealing with crises nothing else could solve. The forest chattered to the post-daybreak sounds of hornbills and proboscis monkeys as the two-dozen men assembled for the rite.
One by one, they beseeched the ancestors to punish those who had shifted their borders and robbed them of their territory.
CCSI announces Mini-Grants Program: Applications now open!
The Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment (CCSI) is pleased to offer two grants of $10,000 each for innovative uses of, the world’s first searchable online repository of publicly available commercial agriculture and forestry contracts. The grants are offered to support and advance innovative uses of the repository and of the content available through it.
Survey: Help us Improve Land Portal Country Profiles and Indicators
In an effort to better meet the needs of stakeholders interested in obtaining information on land through country pages on the Land Portal, we would appreciate your feedback on the importance of both qualitative and quantitative indicators.
We will use this information to adjust country pages and highlight the information that is most relevant to your work.
The survey is in English, but only asks you to rate specific indicators. There is one open question at the end of the survey, which you can answer in English, French, or Spanish.
The LEGEND Challenge Fund now accepting applications
KPMG has launched a Challenge Fund on the behalf of the UK Department for International Development (DFID), which supports the development and testing of innovative approaches and partnerships for strengthening land governance, with a specific focus on piloting approaches to responsible land-related investments. Two concurrent funding windows are now open, details of which can be found at
Indigenous Leaders Stress Cooperation, Rights in Paris at COP21
Several indigenous leaders from Canada are in Paris for the COP21 talks as part of the official delegation, bringing Native concerns directly to world leaders.
Among them are Assembly of First Nations (AFN) National Chief Perry Bellegarde, AFN Northwest Territories Regional Chief Bill Erasmus and AFN Manitoba Regional Chief Kevin Hart, who is part of the Manitoba delegation. Also joining them are Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami President Natan Obed and Dwight Dorey, National Chief of the Congress of Aboriginal Peoples.