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Tendencias recientes en la feminización de la agricultura peruana

Journal Articles & Books
декабря, 2024
Latin America and the Caribbean

Los sistemas alimentarios y las estructuras agrarias han cambiado mucho a nivel global en las últimas décadas, con lo que han creado o reforzado algunas tendencias en el agro. Precisamente, una de las que ha adquirido mayor dinamismo y ocasionado gran  debate en los últimos años es la feminización de la agricultura. El Perú no ha estado ajeno a esta tendencia; por el contrario, ciertos procesos globales y nacionales parecen haberla reforzado y están cambiando el rostro del sector.

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января 2010 to января 2014

United States dollar

United States dollar
ISO 4217 code
Currency Symbol
Project duration:

The project will aim to reduce land fragmentation through participatory land use consolidation for climate resilience and inclusive business models, to increase the productivity and income of smallholder farmers, and to strengthen the institutional capacity of key institutions on land governance aspects. The LAND-at-scale component is integrated into the broader Agricultural Innovation Project (AIP phase II) implemented by GIZ Egypt, co-financed by Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation. The project was developed in close collaboration with the Embassy of the Netherlands in Egypt.

Project duration:
Niger is a landlocked country with 80% of its land area covered by desert. Only one eighth of the country's land area can be used for agriculture and livestock. Secure access to fertile land is therefore of vital importance as the country’s population economically depends on it. This scarcity of agricultural land is magnified by the extremely high population pressure in Niger, which has the highest fertility rate in the world. Small family farms mainly have traditional land tenure and use rights, which they may formally obtain, but in reality, this is practically impossible due to the low capacity and insufficient skills of the structures in charge of land tenure. In some parts of the country, customary norms and practices restrict youth and women’s access to land, only in exceedingly rare instances do they access quality land. If women or youth are allocated marginal land, there is often no guarantee of long-term use.
Project duration:
Australian dollar

The Stand for Her Land Campaign is closing the implementation gap for women’s land rights: the gulf between the strong standards in place to protect women’s rights to land, and the realization of those rights in practice, so that millions of women can realize the transformational power of rights to land. Whether her home is a small farm in Uganda, the coastal regions of Colombia, or an informal settlement in New Delhi, India, every woman deserves firm ground to stand on.

Project duration:
The project will contribute to community preparation to intervene in an informed manner in the land sector and will also contribute to the delimitation of community and individual land-use rights based on good faith occupation and customary rights, and their integration into the formal land system.
Project duration:


Context Burkina Faso is one of the poorest countries in the world. In 2019, it ranked 182nd out of 189 countries on the United Nations Human Development Index (HDI). 70% of the population lives in rural areas and is highly dependent on agriculture. However, almost no agricultural land is registered or legally recognized. This can threaten farmers' rights to use the land they cultivate and thus their entire livelihood.

Project duration:


Côte d'Ivoire is the largest cocoa producer in the world, and about 10% of GDP and 15% of government revenues are generated in this sector. However, as of July 2017, only 0.5% of the total agricultural land had a land certificate. At the same time, due to population growth the pressure on land increases. With a change of the forest law in 2015, the owners of land are also the owners of the trees planted on it. However, current land use contracts often remain informal and unclear.

Project duration:
United States dollar


The Project Development Objective is (a) to support the development of the Afghanistan land administration system; and (b) to provide the population in selected areas with improved land registration services, including issuance of Titles and Occupancy Certificates.

United States Agency for International Development


The Enhancing Customary Justice Systems in the Mau Forest (Justice) Project piloted an approach for improving women’s access to customary justice, particularly related to women’s land rights, by enhancing the customary justice system in one target area. The work

января 2013 to января 2018

United States dollar

United States dollar
ISO 4217 code
Currency Symbol
Project duration:

The project will aim to reduce land fragmentation through participatory land use consolidation for climate resilience and inclusive business models, to increase the productivity and income of smallholder farmers, and to strengthen the institutional capacity of key institutions on land governance aspects. The LAND-at-scale component is integrated into the broader Agricultural Innovation Project (AIP phase II) implemented by GIZ Egypt, co-financed by Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation. The project was developed in close collaboration with the Embassy of the Netherlands in Egypt.

Project duration:
Niger is a landlocked country with 80% of its land area covered by desert. Only one eighth of the country's land area can be used for agriculture and livestock. Secure access to fertile land is therefore of vital importance as the country’s population economically depends on it. This scarcity of agricultural land is magnified by the extremely high population pressure in Niger, which has the highest fertility rate in the world. Small family farms mainly have traditional land tenure and use rights, which they may formally obtain, but in reality, this is practically impossible due to the low capacity and insufficient skills of the structures in charge of land tenure. In some parts of the country, customary norms and practices restrict youth and women’s access to land, only in exceedingly rare instances do they access quality land. If women or youth are allocated marginal land, there is often no guarantee of long-term use.
Project duration:
Australian dollar

The Stand for Her Land Campaign is closing the implementation gap for women’s land rights: the gulf between the strong standards in place to protect women’s rights to land, and the realization of those rights in practice, so that millions of women can realize the transformational power of rights to land. Whether her home is a small farm in Uganda, the coastal regions of Colombia, or an informal settlement in New Delhi, India, every woman deserves firm ground to stand on.

Project duration:
The project will contribute to community preparation to intervene in an informed manner in the land sector and will also contribute to the delimitation of community and individual land-use rights based on good faith occupation and customary rights, and their integration into the formal land system.
Project duration:


Context Burkina Faso is one of the poorest countries in the world. In 2019, it ranked 182nd out of 189 countries on the United Nations Human Development Index (HDI). 70% of the population lives in rural areas and is highly dependent on agriculture. However, almost no agricultural land is registered or legally recognized. This can threaten farmers' rights to use the land they cultivate and thus their entire livelihood.

Project duration:


Côte d'Ivoire is the largest cocoa producer in the world, and about 10% of GDP and 15% of government revenues are generated in this sector. However, as of July 2017, only 0.5% of the total agricultural land had a land certificate. At the same time, due to population growth the pressure on land increases. With a change of the forest law in 2015, the owners of land are also the owners of the trees planted on it. However, current land use contracts often remain informal and unclear.

Project duration:
United States dollar


The Project Development Objective is (a) to support the development of the Afghanistan land administration system; and (b) to provide the population in selected areas with improved land registration services, including issuance of Titles and Occupancy Certificates.

United States Agency for International Development


The purpose of the Evaluation, Research and Communication (ERC) project is to create, expand, and communicate the results of evidence-based knowledge around best land tenure and property rights practices in order to enhance internal USAID and external USG learning

января 2014 to января 2018

United States dollar

United States dollar
ISO 4217 code
Currency Symbol
Project duration:

The project will aim to reduce land fragmentation through participatory land use consolidation for climate resilience and inclusive business models, to increase the productivity and income of smallholder farmers, and to strengthen the institutional capacity of key institutions on land governance aspects. The LAND-at-scale component is integrated into the broader Agricultural Innovation Project (AIP phase II) implemented by GIZ Egypt, co-financed by Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation. The project was developed in close collaboration with the Embassy of the Netherlands in Egypt.

Project duration:
Niger is a landlocked country with 80% of its land area covered by desert. Only one eighth of the country's land area can be used for agriculture and livestock. Secure access to fertile land is therefore of vital importance as the country’s population economically depends on it. This scarcity of agricultural land is magnified by the extremely high population pressure in Niger, which has the highest fertility rate in the world. Small family farms mainly have traditional land tenure and use rights, which they may formally obtain, but in reality, this is practically impossible due to the low capacity and insufficient skills of the structures in charge of land tenure. In some parts of the country, customary norms and practices restrict youth and women’s access to land, only in exceedingly rare instances do they access quality land. If women or youth are allocated marginal land, there is often no guarantee of long-term use.
Project duration:
Australian dollar

The Stand for Her Land Campaign is closing the implementation gap for women’s land rights: the gulf between the strong standards in place to protect women’s rights to land, and the realization of those rights in practice, so that millions of women can realize the transformational power of rights to land. Whether her home is a small farm in Uganda, the coastal regions of Colombia, or an informal settlement in New Delhi, India, every woman deserves firm ground to stand on.

Project duration:
The project will contribute to community preparation to intervene in an informed manner in the land sector and will also contribute to the delimitation of community and individual land-use rights based on good faith occupation and customary rights, and their integration into the formal land system.
Project duration:


Context Burkina Faso is one of the poorest countries in the world. In 2019, it ranked 182nd out of 189 countries on the United Nations Human Development Index (HDI). 70% of the population lives in rural areas and is highly dependent on agriculture. However, almost no agricultural land is registered or legally recognized. This can threaten farmers' rights to use the land they cultivate and thus their entire livelihood.

Project duration:


Côte d'Ivoire is the largest cocoa producer in the world, and about 10% of GDP and 15% of government revenues are generated in this sector. However, as of July 2017, only 0.5% of the total agricultural land had a land certificate. At the same time, due to population growth the pressure on land increases. With a change of the forest law in 2015, the owners of land are also the owners of the trees planted on it. However, current land use contracts often remain informal and unclear.

Project duration:
United States dollar


The Project Development Objective is (a) to support the development of the Afghanistan land administration system; and (b) to provide the population in selected areas with improved land registration services, including issuance of Titles and Occupancy Certificates.

United States Agency for International Development


The rule of law in Kosovo is constrained by poorly defined and enforced property rights, especially the property rights of women and members of minority communities. The absence of an effective property rights regime weakens democratic governance, impacts human

января 2013 to января 2018

United States dollar

United States dollar
ISO 4217 code
Currency Symbol
Project duration:

The project will aim to reduce land fragmentation through participatory land use consolidation for climate resilience and inclusive business models, to increase the productivity and income of smallholder farmers, and to strengthen the institutional capacity of key institutions on land governance aspects. The LAND-at-scale component is integrated into the broader Agricultural Innovation Project (AIP phase II) implemented by GIZ Egypt, co-financed by Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation. The project was developed in close collaboration with the Embassy of the Netherlands in Egypt.

Project duration:
Niger is a landlocked country with 80% of its land area covered by desert. Only one eighth of the country's land area can be used for agriculture and livestock. Secure access to fertile land is therefore of vital importance as the country’s population economically depends on it. This scarcity of agricultural land is magnified by the extremely high population pressure in Niger, which has the highest fertility rate in the world. Small family farms mainly have traditional land tenure and use rights, which they may formally obtain, but in reality, this is practically impossible due to the low capacity and insufficient skills of the structures in charge of land tenure. In some parts of the country, customary norms and practices restrict youth and women’s access to land, only in exceedingly rare instances do they access quality land. If women or youth are allocated marginal land, there is often no guarantee of long-term use.
Project duration:
Australian dollar

The Stand for Her Land Campaign is closing the implementation gap for women’s land rights: the gulf between the strong standards in place to protect women’s rights to land, and the realization of those rights in practice, so that millions of women can realize the transformational power of rights to land. Whether her home is a small farm in Uganda, the coastal regions of Colombia, or an informal settlement in New Delhi, India, every woman deserves firm ground to stand on.

Project duration:
The project will contribute to community preparation to intervene in an informed manner in the land sector and will also contribute to the delimitation of community and individual land-use rights based on good faith occupation and customary rights, and their integration into the formal land system.
Project duration:


Context Burkina Faso is one of the poorest countries in the world. In 2019, it ranked 182nd out of 189 countries on the United Nations Human Development Index (HDI). 70% of the population lives in rural areas and is highly dependent on agriculture. However, almost no agricultural land is registered or legally recognized. This can threaten farmers' rights to use the land they cultivate and thus their entire livelihood.

Project duration:


Côte d'Ivoire is the largest cocoa producer in the world, and about 10% of GDP and 15% of government revenues are generated in this sector. However, as of July 2017, only 0.5% of the total agricultural land had a land certificate. At the same time, due to population growth the pressure on land increases. With a change of the forest law in 2015, the owners of land are also the owners of the trees planted on it. However, current land use contracts often remain informal and unclear.

Project duration:
United States dollar


The Project Development Objective is (a) to support the development of the Afghanistan land administration system; and (b) to provide the population in selected areas with improved land registration services, including issuance of Titles and Occupancy Certificates.

United States Agency for International Development


The Ethiopia Land Administration to Nurture Development (LAND) project works at the national and regional levels of government to further improve the legal and regulatory framework related to land tenure and property rights and thereby support the Government of

сентября 2016 to марта 2019

Pound sterling

Pound sterling
ISO 4217 code
Currency Symbol
Project duration:

The project will aim to reduce land fragmentation through participatory land use consolidation for climate resilience and inclusive business models, to increase the productivity and income of smallholder farmers, and to strengthen the institutional capacity of key institutions on land governance aspects. The LAND-at-scale component is integrated into the broader Agricultural Innovation Project (AIP phase II) implemented by GIZ Egypt, co-financed by Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation. The project was developed in close collaboration with the Embassy of the Netherlands in Egypt.

Project duration:
Niger is a landlocked country with 80% of its land area covered by desert. Only one eighth of the country's land area can be used for agriculture and livestock. Secure access to fertile land is therefore of vital importance as the country’s population economically depends on it. This scarcity of agricultural land is magnified by the extremely high population pressure in Niger, which has the highest fertility rate in the world. Small family farms mainly have traditional land tenure and use rights, which they may formally obtain, but in reality, this is practically impossible due to the low capacity and insufficient skills of the structures in charge of land tenure. In some parts of the country, customary norms and practices restrict youth and women’s access to land, only in exceedingly rare instances do they access quality land. If women or youth are allocated marginal land, there is often no guarantee of long-term use.
Project duration:
Australian dollar

The Stand for Her Land Campaign is closing the implementation gap for women’s land rights: the gulf between the strong standards in place to protect women’s rights to land, and the realization of those rights in practice, so that millions of women can realize the transformational power of rights to land. Whether her home is a small farm in Uganda, the coastal regions of Colombia, or an informal settlement in New Delhi, India, every woman deserves firm ground to stand on.

Project duration:
The project will contribute to community preparation to intervene in an informed manner in the land sector and will also contribute to the delimitation of community and individual land-use rights based on good faith occupation and customary rights, and their integration into the formal land system.
Project duration:


Context Burkina Faso is one of the poorest countries in the world. In 2019, it ranked 182nd out of 189 countries on the United Nations Human Development Index (HDI). 70% of the population lives in rural areas and is highly dependent on agriculture. However, almost no agricultural land is registered or legally recognized. This can threaten farmers' rights to use the land they cultivate and thus their entire livelihood.

Project duration:


Côte d'Ivoire is the largest cocoa producer in the world, and about 10% of GDP and 15% of government revenues are generated in this sector. However, as of July 2017, only 0.5% of the total agricultural land had a land certificate. At the same time, due to population growth the pressure on land increases. With a change of the forest law in 2015, the owners of land are also the owners of the trees planted on it. However, current land use contracts often remain informal and unclear.

Project duration:
United States dollar


The Project Development Objective is (a) to support the development of the Afghanistan land administration system; and (b) to provide the population in selected areas with improved land registration services, including issuance of Titles and Occupancy Certificates.

Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office


The C2P project aimed to support  the operationalization of private sector commitments to addressing land rights by working closely with  a leading private sector company, Illovo Sugar, to apply VGGT principles to company practice, including  and piloting the

сентября 2016 to марта 2019

Pound sterling

Pound sterling
ISO 4217 code
Currency Symbol
Project duration:

The project will aim to reduce land fragmentation through participatory land use consolidation for climate resilience and inclusive business models, to increase the productivity and income of smallholder farmers, and to strengthen the institutional capacity of key institutions on land governance aspects. The LAND-at-scale component is integrated into the broader Agricultural Innovation Project (AIP phase II) implemented by GIZ Egypt, co-financed by Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation. The project was developed in close collaboration with the Embassy of the Netherlands in Egypt.

Project duration:
Niger is a landlocked country with 80% of its land area covered by desert. Only one eighth of the country's land area can be used for agriculture and livestock. Secure access to fertile land is therefore of vital importance as the country’s population economically depends on it. This scarcity of agricultural land is magnified by the extremely high population pressure in Niger, which has the highest fertility rate in the world. Small family farms mainly have traditional land tenure and use rights, which they may formally obtain, but in reality, this is practically impossible due to the low capacity and insufficient skills of the structures in charge of land tenure. In some parts of the country, customary norms and practices restrict youth and women’s access to land, only in exceedingly rare instances do they access quality land. If women or youth are allocated marginal land, there is often no guarantee of long-term use.
Project duration:
Australian dollar

The Stand for Her Land Campaign is closing the implementation gap for women’s land rights: the gulf between the strong standards in place to protect women’s rights to land, and the realization of those rights in practice, so that millions of women can realize the transformational power of rights to land. Whether her home is a small farm in Uganda, the coastal regions of Colombia, or an informal settlement in New Delhi, India, every woman deserves firm ground to stand on.

Project duration:
The project will contribute to community preparation to intervene in an informed manner in the land sector and will also contribute to the delimitation of community and individual land-use rights based on good faith occupation and customary rights, and their integration into the formal land system.
Project duration:


Context Burkina Faso is one of the poorest countries in the world. In 2019, it ranked 182nd out of 189 countries on the United Nations Human Development Index (HDI). 70% of the population lives in rural areas and is highly dependent on agriculture. However, almost no agricultural land is registered or legally recognized. This can threaten farmers' rights to use the land they cultivate and thus their entire livelihood.

Project duration:


Côte d'Ivoire is the largest cocoa producer in the world, and about 10% of GDP and 15% of government revenues are generated in this sector. However, as of July 2017, only 0.5% of the total agricultural land had a land certificate. At the same time, due to population growth the pressure on land increases. With a change of the forest law in 2015, the owners of land are also the owners of the trees planted on it. However, current land use contracts often remain informal and unclear.

Project duration:
United States dollar


The Project Development Objective is (a) to support the development of the Afghanistan land administration system; and (b) to provide the population in selected areas with improved land registration services, including issuance of Titles and Occupancy Certificates.

Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office


Natural Habitats Sierra Leone (NHSL) acquired an oil palm concession of over 40,000 hectares from a previous owner, planning to produce organic palm oil from plantations to be developed within it. The concession covered the entire Makpele Chiefdom, located in

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