Other organizations funding or implementing with land governance projects which are included in Land Portal's Projects Database. A detailed list of these organizations will be provided here soon. They range from bilateral or multilateral donor agencies, national or international NGOs, research organizations etc.
Displaying 2086 - 2090 of 2112REDD Early Movers (REM) Mato Grosso
Forest protection as climate protection: Among other measures for forest protection policies and activities in the area of land law regulation as well as forest monitoring and deforestation control are supported to reduce deforestation.
Improvement of Land Administration procedure and Capacity in Namibia (LAPCAS)
improving (i) procedures in cadastral examination, recording and Improving archiving; (ii) standardized the unique parcel identification implemented; (iii) exchange of digital land information improved; (iv) a harmonized land registration and cadastral system in place; (v) a well-functioning IT-organization in place; (vi) a proposal for revised requirements for professionals in land administration in place; (vii) monitoring of land markets improved; and (viii) land administration capacity at the Ministry increased.
FNF contribution to the Special Initiative One World - No Hunger III
Small-scale farmers, the agrarian economy and other interest groups will be connected beyond their counties, to develop innovative technologies and market chances, to increase the production and the food security.
Improvement of Land Administration Procedures, Capacity and Systems in Botswana (LAPCAS)
The aim is to create a national systems for unique referencing of land parcels and location addresses, improve the overall land administration processes, computerize deeds register, systematically adjudicate tribal lands
FNF contribution to the Special Initiative One World - No Hunger I
Small-scale farmers and rural societies are aware of their property rights and are able to use them to increase their income and the food security.