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Displaying 81 - 85 of 259National Parks and Wildlife (Adjustment of Areas) Act 2006.
This Act revokes the reservation of certain land in Bargo State Conservation Area and vests that land in the Minister administering the Sporting Venues Management Act 2002; reserves certain Crown land as Bargo River State Conservation Area and as part of Yengo National Park; and for other purposes.
Inclosed Lands Protection Regulation 2008.
This Regulation implements the Inclosed Lands Protection Act 1901. The object of this Regulation is to remake, with minor amendments, the provisions of the Inclosed Lands Protection Regulation 2002 with respect to the amount of penalties when certain offences under section 4 or 4A of the Inclosed Lands Protection Act 1901 are dealt with by way of penalty notices.
Implements: Inclosed Lands Protection Act 1901. (2017-11-23)
Repealed by: Inclosed Lands Protection Regulation 2013. (2013-08-23)
Repeals: Inclosed Lands Protection Regulation 2002. (2002-12-09)
Trade and Investment Cluster Governance (Amendment and Repeal) Act 2014.
This Act, consisting of 29 sections divided into seven Parts, establishes the dissolution of Lake Illawarra Authority. The assets, rights and liabilities of the Chipping Norton Lake Authority and the Lake Illawarra Authority immediately before its dissolution become, on that dissolution, the assets, rights and liabilities of the Crown. Any advisory committees of the Chipping Norton Lake Authority and the Lake Illawarra Authority are dissolved.
Real Property Regulation 2008.
The object of this Regulation is to remake, with minor changes, the provisions of the Real Property Regulation 2003 which is repealed on 1 September 2008 by section 10 (2) of the Subordinate Legislation Act 1989.
Rural Lands Protection Act 1998, No. 143.
The Act is divided into the following Parts: Preliminary (1); Rural lands protection districts and regions (2); Functional responsibilities (3); Annual State Conference of boards (4); State Council (5); Rural lands protection boards (6); Rates (7); Travelling stock reserves and public roads (8); Stock watering places (9); Impounding of unattended and trespassing stock and abandoned articles (10); Pests (11); Powers of authorized officers (12); Enforcement provisions (13); Administration of functions of State Council and boards (14); Surcharges (15); Miscellaneous (16).