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Historical Evolution of Land Administration in Bangladesh
Historical Evolution of Land Administration in Bangladesh

Resource information

Date of publication
ноября 2018
Resource Language
ISBN / Resource ID
ISSN 2520-5919
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Land is the main historical basis of Bangladesh. Bangladesh has been attracted lots of races and nations from various continents at different times because of its resourceful land and administered by them one by one. The land system (administration, revenue, ownership, survey etc.) has also been changed with the change of such administration. This study aims to analyze the chronological changes of land administrative management systems in Bangladesh. All the historical records were considered as the study materials and different dynastical periods since 1500 BC to present independent Bangladesh as the study area. Relevant information has been sought extensively from different historical books, thesis, journals, articles, reports and newspapers. After analyzing historical records eight major administrative regimes were found i.e. before the Aryans, the Aryans, the Hindu, the Muslim, the East India Company, the British, the Pakistan and the Bangladesh. There was no scarcity of land before the Aryans period but later it became limited due to high population growth and required administrative management. Land administration basically started at the time of Aryans in terms of Hindu period and turned into a quite matured condition during Muslim period. In addition, private ownership of land was aroused in British Colonial period. Although the ownership, revenue systems, power of transfer and rules on land had been travelled a long journey since Aryans to independent Bangladesh. But, for the first time the Bengalee nation had gained their administrative power on their own land in 1971, after the independence.

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Authors and Publishers

Author(s), editor(s), contributor(s)

G. N. Tanjina Hasnat, Md. Abubakkor Siddik, and A.K.M. Mostafa Zaman

Geographical focus