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Library Ministerial Decree No. 571 validating Model regulation on terms and conditions for allotment in ownership or on lease on plots of municipal land.

Ministerial Decree No. 571 validating Model regulation on terms and conditions for allotment in ownership or on lease on plots of municipal land.

Ministerial Decree No. 571 validating Model regulation on terms and conditions for allotment in ownership or on lease on plots of municipal land.
ПРАВИТЕЛЬСТВО КЫРГЫЗСКОЙ РЕСПУБЛИКИ ПОСТАНОВЛЕНИЕ от 23 сентября 2011 года № 571 Об утверждении Типового положения о порядке и условиях возмездного предоставления прав собственности или аренды на земельные участки, находящиеся в муниципальной...

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This Ministerial Decree establishes terms and conditions for allotment in ownership or on lease on plots of municipal land for payment through public tender or through direct sale. The period of ownership or lease can be conceded for at maximum 50 years and the exact period of ownership or lease shall be established by the authorized state institution.

Repeals: Ministerial Decree No. 57 validating Model Regulation on terms and conditions of concession of right of ownership or lease of urban land. (2008-08-16)

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Vsevolod Gnetii (CONSLEGB)

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