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Library Law No. 2480-VI “On land of energy and legal status of special zones of energy objects”.

Law No. 2480-VI “On land of energy and legal status of special zones of energy objects”.

Law No. 2480-VI “On land of energy and legal status of special zones of energy objects”.
ЗАКОН УКРАИНЫ О землях энергетики и правовом режиме специальных зон энергетических объектов (Ведомости Верховной Рады Украины (ВВР), 2011, N 1, ст.1) {С изменениями, внесенными согласно Кодексу N 2755-VI ( 2755 -17 ) от 02.12.2010, ВВР, 2011, N 13...

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This Law establishes legal and organizational grounds for allotment and tenure of land plots for installation of energy objects, establishment of and compliance with legal status of special protected zones of energy objects with a view of continual functioning of such objects, rational utilization of land, and also ensuring safety of population and protection thereof against risks of technological disasters. Basic principles of functioning of land relations in the sphere of energy shall be as follows: (a) ensuring observance of technological terms and conditions for electric and thermal energy generation and distribution; (b) combination of energy safety and environmental protection; (c) priority of protection of human life and health; and (d) priority of public need over private land ownership for energy objects and compensation of land owners in case of expropriation of private land.

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Vsevolod Gnetii (CONSLEGB)

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