Resource information
This Order applies to water fund lands, and specifically to land pertaining to: (a) discrete waterbodies; (b) water conservation zones; and (c) protection areas around water abstraction points and waterworks. It shall not apply to surface waterbodies (other than those described above), groundwater, internal seas or territorial seas. Water fund land plots shall be classified into six categories. State cadastre valuation shall be carried out as follows: (a) cadastre value of the first category shall reflect one hundred percent of the market value of land plots; (b) cadastre value of the second, third, fourth, fifth and sixth categories shall include a reference to the cadastre value for each category and a calculation of the cadastre value according to the reference value for the given category.
Implements: Ministerial Decree No. 945 of 1999 on state cadastre valuation of land. (1999-08-25)