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This paper applies the principles of water-use accounts, developed in the first of
the series, to the Nile River basin in Northeast Africa. The Nile and its tributaries
flow though nine countries. The White Nile flows though Uganda, Sudan, and Egypt.
The Blue Nile starts in Ethiopia. Zaire, Kenya, Tanzanian, Rwanda, and Burundi all
have tributaries, which flow into the Nile or into Lake Victoria. Unique features are
Lake Victoria and the Sudd wetland where White Nile loses about half of its flow by
evaporation, and the Aswan Dam which controls flow in the lower part of the Basin and
also is where 15-20% of the flow is lost to seepage and further evaporation.
Net runoff is minimal in many catchments of the Nile Basin, comprising 6% or less of
the water available in 16 catchments of the Basin. In the remaining catchments, net
runoff ranges from 9% (Panyango) to 34% (Gambella) of the available water.
Water use by grassland is important in all catchments where it comprises 13 to 76%
of the water available, except in the Lower Basin, where it comprises only 7% or less
of the available water. In upstream catchments, woodlands and forests are the major
components of land-use, while in the Lower Basin catchments barren and sparsely
vegetated land is the main land-use class.
Rainfed agriculture is the most important water use by volume in only four catchments,
Kessie, Paraa, Panyango, and the Sennar Dam where it comprises 24%, 27%, 30%,
and 38% of the available water. Nevertheless, it is a relatively important use of water
in many of the catchments, using 10% or more of the available water in 14 catchments
of the Basin. Irrigated agriculture is the least use of water by volume, using 4% or less
of the available water in all catchments except the d/s of Jebel Aulia, the Sennar Dam,
Thamaniyat, Hudeiba, Atbara, Naga Hammadi, El Ekhsase, and Estuary catchments. It
is, however, the most important water use in the Estuary catchment, using 90% of the
available water.
The effect of climate change on rainfall in the Nile Basin is very uncertain, but
temperature is expected increase by about 2°C by mid-century. To show the possible
effects, we increased potential evapotranspiration by 5%, and left rainfall unchanged.
The flow at Aswan Dam declines by about 6%, and irrigated crop water use in the El-
Ekhsase region increases by about 2%.
Keywords: Water use accounts, Nile basin, top-down modelling, basin water use