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M&E and Development engagement for ICRAF Project on Land Restoration EU-IFAD Funded

Institutional & promotional materials
сентября, 2017
Eastern Africa
Western Africa

The document presents the progress of three interrelated components: 1) MEL-platform for supporting project planning and implementation of review and monitoring strategy; 2) Framework for Project engagement with Development Partners, measuring project outcomes and impacts where possible; 3)
Geoinformatics Options by Context (GeOC)

Mutations du système agraire dans le Département de la Nya, région du Logone Oriental au Sud du Tchad

Reports & Research
сентября, 2017

La région du Logone Oriental est une zone pétrolifère à vocation
agricole. Plus de 80 % de la population vit des activités agropastorales. Dans
les années 2000, la croissance de la population et la mise en place des
infrastructures pétrolières a conduit à une restriction des terres agricoles. Dans le
contexte de l’exploitation pétrolière, la terre a pris une autre importance. Elle
est disputée par les pétroliers pour l’installation de leurs infrastructures et par
les populations rurales pour l’exploitation agricole. L’objet de la présente

A comparative assessment of land management approaches in Bhutan

Peer-reviewed publication
июня, 2017

Arable land in Bhutan is under serious threats of land degradation. Proper land management approach is needed to control soil erosion problems. This study is an attempt to characterize and document the conventional and the community-based land management approaches, applied in Chukha and Dagana districts, respectively. The study tried to make a comparative assessment of their social, economic and environmental impacts on the participating farmers.

Integración de la Agricultura en los Planes Nacionales de Adaptación (PNA). Estudio de caso Uruguay

Reports & Research
июня, 2017
Latin America and the Caribbean

Este estudio de caso sobre Uruguay es parte de una serie de estudios de caso de países que describe los pasos a dar para formular e implementar los Planes Nacionales de Adaptación (PNA). Los estudios de caso se enfocan en la adaptación en el sector agropecuario, que incluye la silvicultura, ganadería y pesca. La serie se propone brindar información valiosa a los diseñadores de políticas nacionales obtenida de sus colegas de Asia, África y América Latina que se encuentran en el mismo proceso de construcción del PNA para abordar los múltiples desafíos del cambio climático.

Restoring Degraded Rangelands in Jordan: Optimizing Mechanized Micro Water Harvesting using Rangeland Hydrology and Erosion Model (RHEM)

Conference Papers & Reports
мая, 2017
Western Asia

Jordan’s rangelands, the so called Badia, home of the Bedouins, are threatened through a combination of
over-exploitation of the ecosystem services and a changing climate towards drier seasons and highly
erratic rainfalls. In the recent decades, the once productive grazing lands transformed into sparsely
vegetated and crusted desert grounds not capable of retaining the sporadic rainwater within the landscape
- and consequentialsurface runoff inevitably acceleratessoil erosion and gullying. To counter-measure the

Managing rangelands: promoting sustainable practices: Reseeding: a practical and costeffective technique that enhances ecological sustainability while strengthening system resilience

Policy Papers & Briefs
апреля, 2017

The problem of rangeland degradation can be reversed through revegetation, for example through inclusion of various locally adapted native species in the reseeding. Reseeding is the process by which rangelands are rehabilitated and it has two purposes; to ‘repair’ the degenerated rangeland system, and to increase the forage available for grazing animals. It involves sowing seeds directly into their final growing position, and is applied on rangelands with an advanced degree of degradation, low plant density or poor productivity levels.

Global Geo-informatics Options by Context (GeOC) Tool for Supporting Better Targeting and Scaling-out of Sustainable Land Management: Designing the System and Use Cases

Conference Papers & Reports
апреля, 2017

Sustainable Land Management (SLM) are required to achieve Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN). SLM options are fitted to the social, economic and ecological contexts. The high contextual diversity of drylands in particular prevents the design and application of “uniform blanket” policies to promote SLM over large scales where significant impact is expected.

Introduction of the training program: "Sustainable Land Management Options by Context: Approach and Geospatial tool to support Achieving Land Degradation Neutrality" (French Version)

Institutional & promotional materials
апреля, 2017
Northern Africa

This presentation (in French) introduced the program of the training "Sustainable Land Management Options by Context: Approach and Geospatial tool to support Achieving Land Degradation Neutrality”, held in Zaghouan on 16-17 March 2017. This activity is under the output "User-friendly, interoperable online tool, containing country-specific, accessible knowledge base of standardized, geo-referenced SLM, to enable stakeholders to query SLM options in different context" of the GIZ funded project “Impact evaluation of SLM options to achieve land degradation neutrality”.

Los cambios de la política agraria de Cuba en el marco de la actualización de su modelo económico y social

Journal Articles & Books
апреля, 2017
Latin America and the Caribbean

Entre 1959 y 2008, no se había contemplado en Cuba redistribuir tierras a gran escala a productores individuales. Desde 1990, varias políticas de redistribución del uso de la tierra se aplicaron con importantes impactos, pero las áreas involucradas no alcanzaron un tamaño significativo a nivel nacional. A partir de 2008,ocurre una innovación mayor en la política agraria, con la entrega de muchas tierras ociosas en usufructo a productores sin tierras o con poca tierra. Un cambio de esta naturaleza y magnitud amerita ser descrito y analizado.

Decreto Nº 40492-MINAE-MAG ─ Articulación Intersectorial para la incorporación de los Principios de Neutralidad de la Degradación de Tierras en la Lucha contra la Desertificación, la Degradación de la Tierra y la Sequía.

марта, 2017
Costa Rica

El presente Decreto dispone que todas las instituciones del Sector Ambiente, Energía, Mares y Ordenamiento Territorial y del Sector Desarrollo Agropecuario y Rural, tal y como se definen en el Decreto Ejecutivo N° 38536-MP-PLAN del Reglamento Orgánico del Poder Ejecutivo, integrarán acciones en sus programas, proyectos y en sus planes de desarrollo institucional, con el fin de lograr una "Articulación Intersectorial para la incorporación de los Principios de Neutralidad de la Degradación de Tierras en la Lucha contra la Desertificación, la Degradación de la Tierra y la Sequía".

Modalities for Scaling up Sustainable Land Management and Restoration of Degraded Land

Reports & Research
февраля, 2017

To tackle inter-connected global challenges of population growth and migration, climate change, biodiversity loss, and degrading land and water resources, changes in land use and management are needed at a global scale. There are hundreds of options that can improve the sustainability of land management and prevent or reverse degradation, but there are almost as many socio-cultural, institutional and policy barriers preventing their adoption at scale.