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Estatuto da Agricultura Familiar Portuguesa

Reports & Research
октября, 2014

É cada vez mais forte a percepção das populações, de governos e de instituições internacionais de que a humanidade não pode continuar a ser empurrada para o precipício, com as políticas das últimas décadas, de intensificação da produção agropecuária e florestal e o aumento do poder hegemónico de grandes companhias multinacionais da indústria e da distribuição, que controlam a produção e detêm cada vez mais terra, provocando o esgotamento de recursos naturais, acidentes climáticos, pragas e doenças, desertificação de muitas regiões, fome e subnutrição, esvaziamento e asfixia de economias loc

Lei de Terras: Entre Lei e Práticas na Defesa de Direitos Sobre a terra

Reports & Research
октября, 2014

O  artigo  destina-se  ao  público  em  geral,  com  destaque  para  os  académicos, juristas  (operadores  da Administração da Justiça)  e organizações da sociedade civil que lutam pela promoção e defesa dos direitos fundamentais dos cidadãos. A  extinção  de direitos sobre  a  terra  pode  resultar  de  múltiplos factores,  nomeadamente,  por razões voluntárias  (transmissão,  renúncia,  etc.),  por  razões  involuntárias  ou  legais  (como,  por  exemplo,  a  revogação do DUAT).

Définition des mesures de sécurisation foncière des périmètres irrigués au Niger

Reports & Research
октября, 2014

Au Niger le foncier aménagé se trouve aujourd’hui face à une double problématique : d’une part les anciens propriétaires coutumiers ou leurs descendants réclament des droits de propriété sur cet espace supposé appartenir à l’État, et d’autre part les structures publiques qui gèrent ce domaine ne disposent pas de documents juridiques pour justifier les droits de l’État sur les périmètres irrigués et, en conséquence, pour protéger le foncier aménagé.

Defining security of land tenure in irrigation schemes in Niger

Reports & Research
октября, 2014

In Niger the land converted for public use is now facing a dual problem: on one hand, customary landowners or their descendants claim property rights on this space which supposedly belongs to the State, on the other hand, government bodies who manage this area do not have the legal documents to justify the State's rights over the developed (irrigated) land and, consequently, to protect it. How to ensure secure land tenure for the State on the developed land while preserving the legitimate rights of those working the land?

Vulnerability, coping and adaptation within the context of climate change and HIV/AIDS in South Africa

Reports & Research
октября, 2014
South Africa

How can social grants be made to work better for households in rural Eastern Cape? Social grants have a positive impact on food security. Monthly food consumption expenditures increase when households receive grants. This study provides new insights by highlighting two key household characteristics, gender and education, in catalyzing or diminishing the effects of grants on household livelihood outcomes. Our analysis mainly focuses on impacts of pensions on household food security and labor supply of household members.

Gobernanza responsable de la tenencia de la tierra

Policy Papers & Briefs
октября, 2014

Las Directrices Voluntarias sobre la Gobernanza responsable de la tenencia de la tierra, la pesca y los bosques –pese a las críticas por su carácter transaccional y no vinculante– se constituyen en una importante herramienta que orienta y genera información sobre las prácticas internacionalmente aceptadas para los sistemas que regulan los derechos de uso, gestión y control de la tierra, la pesca y los bosques.

Climate-Smart Agriculture in Mexico

Policy Papers & Briefs
октября, 2014
Central America
Northern America
South America

The climate-smart agriculture (CSA) concept reflects an ambition to improve the integration of agriculture development and climate responsiveness. It aims to achieve food security and broader development goals under a changing climate and increasing food demand.

Climate-Smart Agriculture in Peru

Policy Papers & Briefs
октября, 2014
Central America
South America

The climate-smart agriculture (CSA) concept reflects an ambition to improve the integration of agriculture development and climate responsiveness. It aims to achieve food security and broader development goals under a changing climate and increasing food demand.

Climate-Smart Agriculture in Argentina

Policy Papers & Briefs
октября, 2014
Central America
South America

The climate-smart agriculture (CSA) concept reflects an ambition to improve the integration of agriculture development and climate responsiveness. It aims to achieve food security and broader development goals under a changing climate and increasing food demand.

Climate-Smart Agriculture in Colombia

Policy Papers & Briefs
октября, 2014
Central America
South America

The climate-smart agriculture (CSA) concept reflects an ambition to improve the integration of agriculture development and climate responsiveness. It aims to achieve food security and broader development goals under a changing climate and increasing food demand.