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Immovable Property (Judicial Sales) Act (Cap. 94).

Eastern Africa

This Act concerns judicial sales of property including agricultural crop. It gives rules for the seizure and execution by way of sale. At any time, while the execution debtor remains in possession of the property seized, as judicial sequestrator, any creditor may obtain an order for the sale of part or of the whole of the crop of the said property. All sums of money which shall have been advanced by any sequestrator in accordance with the foregoing provisions shall be a privileged claim on the crop of the property.

Land Settlement (Perpetual Leases of State Land) Act (Cap. 108).

Eastern Africa

This Act provides for the grant by the Government of perpetual leases, i.e. leases of State land granted for the purposes of land settlement, which shall endure in perpetuity unless they lapse or are terminated or surrendered. Perpetual leases of State land may be granted for purposes of land settlement and shall be subject to terms and conditions stated in them and in provisions of this Act. Transfer, mortgage, etc. of a lease shall be subject to permission of the Government.

Ley ambiental para el desarrollo sustentable del Estado de Sinaloa.

Central America

La presente Ley tiene su fundamento en el derecho de todo ser humano a gozar de un medio ambiente saludable, y tiene como objetivos principales la preservación, la restauración del equilibrio ecológico, la protección al ambiente y el desarrollo sustentable. En este marco se establecen los principios de la política ambiental estatal y los instrumentos para su aplicación, así como las bases para el establecimiento y funcionamiento eficaz de un sistema estatal de educación ambiental.

Wills and Successions (Jersey) Law 1993

Northern Europe

This Law provides rules for the making of wills and other matters regarding inheritance. It provides, among other things, that in every collateral succession on intestacy, whether to movable or immovable estate, the rule by which the paternal side excludes the maternal side in equality of degree is abolished. It also provides for devolution of immovable estate on intestacy and amends customary law so as to provide for equality of succession rights of legitimate and illegitimate children.

Ley Nº 450 - Ley de protección a Naciones y Pueblos Indígenas Originarios en situación de alta vulnerabilidad.

South America

La presente Ley establece los mecanismos y políticas sectoriales para la prevención, protección y fortalecimiento de las naciones y los pueblos indígenas originarios que se encuentran en situación de alta vulnerabilidad. Los mecanismos de protección contemplan el impedir cualquier tipo de perturbación en los territorios ocupados por dichas naciones y pueblos, como así también la promoción de iniciativas comunitarias para el aprovechamiento sustentable de los recursos naturales, facilitando la rehabilitación de la seguridad alimentaria y el acceso a los servicios básicos.

Probates (Re-sealing) Act.

Western Africa

This Act provides for the re-sealing of probates and letters of administration granted in Commonwealth countries and a State of Nigeria. The Act defines conditions to be fulfilled before re-sealing and effects of re-sealing. The High Court of a State may, if it thinks fit, on the application of any creditor, require, before re-sealing, that adequate security be given for the payment of debts due from the estate to creditors residing in that State.

Trusts (Special Provisions) Amendment Act 2014 (No. 22 of 2014).

Northern America

This Act amends the Trusts (Special Provisions) Act 1989 by adding a new section (2A) concerning the legal effect of the reservation by the settlor to himself or grant to any other person in a trust instrument of any limited beneficial interest in the trust property or any or all of the powers specified in the new section. Those powers concern modification, transfer, etc. of trusts, trust instruments or trust property. A trust instrument may provide that the reservation or grant of any of such powers shall not impose a fiduciary duty on the holder of such powers.

Public Trust Office Act 1975.


This Act establishes an office to be called the Public Trust Office and provides for the appointment of the Public Trustee. The Public Trustee shall be responsible for the management of the Public Trust Office. The Public Trustee may be appointed executor, administrator or trustee by trust instrument. The Act also defines the powers and duties of the Public Trustee in respect of land affected by a mortgage or security.

Law of Succession Act (Cap. 160).

Eastern Africa

This Act provides for matters of succession to and protection and administration of property of a deceased person. Succession to rights can be intestate or on the basis of a will. The Act also sets out rules for the construction of wills.Except so far as expressly authorized by this Act, or by any other written law, or by a grant of representation under this Act, no person shall, for any purpose, take possession or dispose of, or otherwise intermeddle with, any free property of a deceased person.

Implemented by: Probate and Administration Rules (Cap. 160). (2012-12-31)

Land Law No. 10/2013.

Macao S.A.R
Eastern Asia

This Land Law, consisting of 14 Chapters, divided into 223 articles, establishes the legal regime for land management, in particular for constitution, exercise, modification, transmission and extinction of the right of land use and exploitation within the State of the Special Administrative Region of Macau, (called RAEM).