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Data Model for Land Portal (exposed as LOD)


The Land Library Data Model follows widely adopted standards for bibliographic resources or more broadly "document-like information objects" (DLIOs).

The model is designed on top of the following existing vocabularies:
  • Dublin Core for properties common to most resources
  • The Bibliographic Ontology for more specialized properties for bibliographic resources
  • The FOAF vocabulary for properties of entities like persons and organizations
  • The Schema.org vocabulary for properties of all relevant entities (creative works, persons, organizations, events, places)
  • The SKOS vocabulary for all related concepts 
The model also uses a few additional properties from subsidiary or broader vocabularies: Prov-O for indicating provenance and the Europeana Data Model for compatibility with Europeana.

The result is in line with the recommendations of the AIMS LODE-BD (Recommendations for LOD-enabled Bibliographic Description).

Table 1. Namespaces used in the Land Library RDF data model
Prefix Namespace
bibo http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/
dc http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/
dct http://purl.org/dc/terms/
edm http://www.europeana.eu/schemas/edm/
foaf http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/
geonames http://www.geonames.org/ontology#
odrl http://www.w3.org/ns/odrl/2/
org http://www.w3.org/ns/org#
owl http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#
prov http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#
rdf http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#
rdfs http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#
schema http://schema.org/
skos http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#


Data Model Entities and properties

This is the list of  all the data model entities: 

Entity: Land Library Resource

RDF types:

dct:BibliographicResource, bibo:Document, schema:CreativeWork, prov:Entity, edm:ProvidedCHO

URI pattern:


Values: Content Type: Land Library Resource

Properties RDF predicates Predicate type (details)
Title dct:title, schema:name literal
Subtitle dct:alternative literal
Abstract or Description dct:description, schema:description, bibo:abstract literal
Author(s), editor(s), contributor(s) dc:contributor literal
Corporate Author dct:creator, schema:author resource (Entity: Organization)
Resource Type dct:type resource (Entity: Land Library Resource Type)
Date of publication dct:issued, schema:datePublished literal (xsd:date)
Language dct:language resource (Entity: Language)
Publisher dct:publisher, schema:publisher resource (Entity: Organization)
Data Provider prov:wasDerivedFrom, schema:provider, edm:dataProvider resource (Entity: Organization)
Pages dct:extent literal
Duration dct:extent, schema:duration literal
ISBN / Resource ID dct:identifier literal
Geographical focus dct:spatial, schema:spatialCoverage resource (Entity: Region)
Themes dct:subject, schema:about resource (Entity: LandVoc Theme)
Related concepts (LandVoc) dct:subject, schema:about resource (Entity: LandVoc Concept)
Originally publish at schema:url, bibo:uri, edm:isShownAt resource
Resource URL schema:url, bibo:uri, edm:isShownBy resource
Attached file schema:url, bibo:uri, edm:isShownBy resource
Image/Thumbnail schema:image, schema:thumbnailUrl resource
License dct:license, schema:license resource (Entity: License)
Copyright details dc:rights literal

Entity: News

RDF types:


URI pattern:


Values: Content Type: News

Properties RDF predicates Predicate type (details)
Title dct:title, schema:headline literal
Body schema:articleBody literal
Author(s) dc:creator, schema:author literal
Date of publication dct:issued, schema:datePublished literal (xsd:date)
Language dct:language, schema:inLanguage resource (Entity: Language)
Geographical focus dct:spatial, schema:spatialCoverage resource (Entity: Region)
Themes dct:subject, schema:about resource (Entity: LandVoc Theme)
Related concepts (LandVoc) dct:subject, schema:about resource (Entity: LandVoc Concept)
Source dct:source, schema:citation resource
Attached file dct:references resource
Image/Thumbnail schema:image, schema:thumbnailUrl resource

Entity: Blog Post

RDF types:

schema:BlogPosting, sioc:Post, foaf:Document

URI pattern:


Values: Content Type: Blog Post

Properties RDF predicates Predicate type (details)
Title dct:title, schema:headline literal
Body schema:articleBody literal
Author sioc:has_creator resource (Entity: Person)
Date of publication dc:date, dc:created  literal (xsd:dateTime)
Geographical focus dct:spatial, schema:spatialCoverage resource (Entity: Region)
Themes dct:subject, schema:about resource (Entity: LandVoc Theme)
Related concepts (LandVoc) dct:subject, schema:about resource (Entity: LandVoc Concept)

schema:image, schema:thumbnailUrl, schema:sharedContent


Entity: Event

RDF types:


URI pattern:


Values: Content Type: Event

Properties RDF predicates Predicate type (details
Name dct:title, schema:name     literal
Body dct:description, schema:description literal
Start date dct:date, schema:startDate literal (xsd:date)
Image schema:image resource
Attached file dct:references resource
Contact / Event organiser schema:organizer literal
More information (Webpages) schema:url resource
Geographical focus dct:spatial, schema:spatialCoverage resource (Entity: Region)
Themes dct:subject, schema:about resource (Entity: LandVoc Theme)
Related Concepts dct:subject, schema:about resource (Entity: LandVoc Concept)

Entity: Organization

RDF types:

foaf:Organization, schema:Organization, prov:Entity, org:Organization

URI pattern:


Values: Content Type: Organization


Properties RDF predicates Predicate type (details)
Name dct:title, rdfs:label, schema:name, foaf:name literal
Description dct:description, schema:description literal
Acronym dct:identifier, org:identifier literal
Logo schema:image resource
Website schema:url, foaf:homepage resource
Focal point schema:contactPoint literal
Email foaf:mbox, schema:email literal
Phone number foaf:phone, schema:telephone literal
Postal address schema:address literal
Location - -
Affiliated organization - resource (Entity: Organization)
Members schema:member literal
Working languages lingvo:workingLanguage resource (Entity: Language)
Attached file dct:references resource
Organization Type dct:type resource (Entity: Organization Type))
Geographical focus dct:spatial, schema:spatialCoverage resource (Entity: Region)
Themes dct:subject, schema:about resource (Entity: LandVoc Theme)
Related concepts (LandVoc) dct:subject, schema:about resource (Entity: LandVoc Concept)

Entity: Organization Type

RDF types:


ValuesTaxonomy: Organization types

Properties RDF predicates Predicate type
Name rdfs:label, skos:prefLabel literal
Description skos:definition literal
Synonym skos:AltLabel literal
Parent (Organization Type) skos:broader resource

Entity: Person

RDF classes:



Properties RDF predicates Predicate type
Name foaf:name literal

Entity: Region

It could be a country or a continent/subcontinent

Entity: Country

RDF types:

skos:Concept, schema:Place, dct:Location, geonames:Feature, lb:Country

URI pattern:

http://data.landportal.info/geo/{ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 code (aka ISO3)}

Graph (SPARQL):


Values: Subset of Taxonomy: Regions

Properties RDF predicates Predicate type
Name skos:prefLabel, dct:title, rdfs:label literal
Description skos:definition, dct:description, rdfs:comment literal
ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 code (aka ISO3) dct:identifier, skos:notation, geonames:countryCode literal
Synonyms skos:altLabel literal
Parent region skos:broader resource (Entity: Region)

Entity: Continent/SubContinent

RDF types:

skos:Concept, schema:Place, dct:Location, geonames:Feature

URI pattern:

http://data.landportal.info/geo/{Area code (UN M.49)}

Graph (SPARQL):



Values: Subset of Taxonomy: Regions

Properties RDF predicates Predicate type
Name skos:prefLabel, dct:title, rdfs:label literal
Description skos:definition, dct:description, rdfs:comment literal
Area code (UN M.49) dct:identifier, skos:notation literal
Synonyms skos:altLabel literal
Parent region skos:broader resource (Entity: Region)



Entity: LandVoc Theme

RDF types:


URI pattern:


Values: Taxonomy: LandVoc Theme

Properties RDF predicates Predicate type
Name skos:prefLabel, rdfs:label literal
Description skos:definition literal
ID skos:notation literal
Synonym skos:altLabel literal
Image schema:image resource
Related LandVoc concepts skos:related resource (Entity: LandVoc Concept)

Entity: LandVoc Concept (Curated)

RDF types: 


URI pattern:

Agrovoc URI

ValuesTaxonomy: LandVoc Concepts

Properties RDF predicates Predicate type
Name skos:prefLabel literal (with lang)

Entity: LandVoc Concept (Drupal Raw)

RDF types: 


URI pattern:

Agrovoc URI

ValuesTaxonomy: LandVoc Concepts

Properties RDF predicates Predicate type
Name skos:prefLabel, rdfs:label literal
Description skos:definition literal
Synonym skos:altLabel literal
Agrovoc URI skos:exactMatch, owl:sameAs     resource

Entity: Land Library Resource Type

RDF types:


ValuesTaxonomy: Land Library Resource Types

Properties RDF predicates Predicate type
Name rdfs:label, skos:prefLabel literal
Description skos:definition literal
Synonym skos:AltLabel literal
Parent (LL Resource Type) skos:broader resource

Entity: Language

RDF types:

skos:Concept, lvont:Language


URI pattern:

http://data.landportal.info/voc/language/{ISO 639-1 code}

Values: Taxonomy: Languages


Properties RDF predicates Predicate type
Name dct:title, rdfs:label, skos:prefLabel literal
Description skos:definition literal
Language code (ISO 639-1) lvont:iso639P1Code literal
Language code (ISO 639-3) lvont:iso639P3Code literal

Entity: License

RDF types:

skos:Concept, odrl:Policy


URI pattern:

RDFLicense URI

Values: Taxonomy: Licenses

Properties RDF predicates Predicate type
Name skos:prefLabel, rdfs:label literal
Description skos:definition literal
Acronym skos:notation, dct:identifier literal
Synonym skos:altLabel literal
RDFLicense URI skos:exactMatch, owl:sameAs resource

Entity: Profile

RDF types:


URI pattern:


Values: People

Properties RDF predicates Predicate type
Title foaf:title literal
First Name foaf:firstName literal
Last Name foaf:lastName literal
Description dct:description, vivo:overview literal
Picture foaf:depiction, schema:image resource
Public email foaf:mbox literal
Website foaf:homepage resource
Geographical focus dct:spatial, schema:spatialCoverage resource (Entity: Region)
Themes dct:subject, schema:about resource (Entity: LandVoc Theme)
Related concepts (LandVoc) dct:subject, schema:about resource (Entity: LandVoc Concept)

Entity: Project

RDF types:


URI pattern:


Values: Content Type: Project


Properties RDF predicates Predicate type (details)
Name dct:title, rdfs:label, schema:name, foaf:name literal
Description dct:description, schema:description literal
ID dct:identifier literal
Acronym - literal
Logo schema:image resource
Extension - -
Project value - literal
Contact information schema:contactPoint literal
Websites of the project schema:url, foaf:homepage resource
Donors - resource (Entity: Organization)
Implementers - resource (Entity: Organization)
Associated staff - resource
Geographical focus dct:spatial, schema:spatialCoverage resource (Entity: Region)
Themes dct:subject, schema:about resource (Entity: LandVoc Theme)
Related concepts (LandVoc) dct:subject, schema:about resource (Entity: LandVoc Concept)
Data Provider schema:provider resource (Entity: Organization)