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Community / Land projects / Tajikistan Land Reform and Farm Restructuring Project

Tajikistan Land Reform and Farm Restructuring Project


10/13 - 09/16


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(Tajikistan): This Tajikistan Land Reform and Farm Restructuring Project (LRFRP) fosters the development of a market economy in Tajikistan through land reform and land market development. Activities will further progress in dehkan farm restructuring and recognition of property rights leading to a market in land-use rights. LRFRP will focus on supporting the Government of Tajikistan's efforts to develop market-driven land policies and legislative framework; expanding awareness of land-use rights among rural government and citizen stakeholders, improving the access to legal aid services; facilitating acquisition of land-use certificates; and building government and local non-government institutions' capacities to effectively monitor and implement the land reform process in the 12 Feed the Future target districts of western Khatlon Province. Activities align with USG Feed the Future initiative.This activity is specific to USAID/Tajikistan and is not part of a larger, regional project implemented in other parts of the USAID/Central Asia Republics Mission (i.e. Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, or Kazakhstan).

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