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Community / Land projects / PASSION4COMMUNITY DEVELOPMenT ORG-P4C



03/18 - 08/19


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The P4C#s Promoting Gender Equality and Women#s social-economic Empowerment in Agago district of Northern Uganda address the human-rights, governance and equity issues such as mass displacement, including high levels of SGBV, suicide, lack of access to education,health services, land disputes and loss of productive assets that greatly affected women disproportionately due to the prolonged war in Northern Uganda. The project approach is to target women, youth, men, and representatives of local to ensureto have societal buy-in of the strategy of the various interest groups and key stakeholders and to establish strong linkages and partnerships with the Government, financial institutions, private sector, and the civil society as to accelerate project gains, and sustain project impact. The project aims to bring about significant and sustainable improvements in women#s social status, economic productivity and participation, politico-legal awareness and improved access to property and other rights. The objectives include: 1. Mobilise and build the capacity of at least 800 women for taking up action to realize their rights and entitlements, 2. Undertake economic activities to improve their livelihoods and increasingly participate in decision making in domestic and public spheres##. 3. Increase household incomes and reduced dependence on violent providers (economic empowerment) 4. Advocate for quality public services and accessing justice and redressing grievances and will be realizing their rights and entitlements (political and legal empowerment) 5. Mobilise andbuild capacity of individual and organized action to address persistence exclusion and violence, access entitlements/social services and exercise greater ownership over resources within one year (social empowerment)

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