Community / Land projects / 10th EDF Support to Non State Actors – Environment Component
10th EDF Support to Non State Actors – Environment Component
01/12 - 03/18
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Support Non State Actors at the local level to facilitate the implementation of the national policies and regulations related to natural resources management, in the field of forest, fisheries and wildlife The specific objective is to empower communities through sustainable land use planning and participatory natural resources management activities. 6 projects financed: 1) Sustainable Nou Forest Ecosystem Management Project FOOD AND AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH MANAGEMENT LBG, 2) Enhancing Livelihoods through PFM in Northern Tanzania AFRICAN WILDLIFE FOUNDATION 3) Sustainable Management of Chome Nature Reserve in Same District ONGAWA INGENIERIA PARA EL DESARROLLO HUMANO ASOCIACION 4) Towards effective, transparent and equitable community wildlife management in Western Serengeti ZOOLOGISCHE GESELLSCHAFT FRANKFURTVON 1858 EV 5) Adding Value to the Arc: Forests and Livelihoods in the South Nguru Mountains TANZANIA FOREST CONSERVATION GROUP SOCIETY 6) Building effective long term fisheries co-management in five coastal districts in Tanzania, and promoting coast-wide learning on the same WORLD WIDE FUND FOR NATURE TANZANIA PROGRAMME OFFICE SOCIETY