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Map of Rússia


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08 Junho 2022
Foto: Ziwen Cai A intensificação da mudança do clima pode dar fim a um dos ecossistemas mais singulares e vulneráveis da Terra – as Tundras da Sibéria. De acordo com um estudo publicado nesta semana na revista eLife, o avanço do aquecimento no norte da Ásia pode fazer com que as florestas que…
22 Março 2022
Foto: Nicholas A. Tonelli Rússia é uma das principais produtoras globais de fertilizantes, cuja carência resulta em safras reduzidas e preços altos. Brasil está entre países alarmados com consequências de sanções geradas pela invasão da Ucrânia.Há séculos a família Conzen mantém plantações na…
09 Dezembro 2021
Universidade de Plymouth/Carey Marks. Erosão do solo arrasta entre 20 e 37 bilhões de toneladas da camada superior do recurso anualmente Brasil pode baixar produção de trigo e café; relatório enfatiza pressão do aumento populacional sobre a terra e os recursos hídricos; dois terços de pessoas…



United States dollar

United States dollar
ISO 4217 code
Currency Symbol
Project duration:
United States dollar


Within the framework of the project, the most important dry-laid peatlands in Central Russia are identified and rewetted using various methods. In addition, Russian partners will be trained so that they can independently implement the method of ecological rewetting in the future. Possibilities of sustainable use of rewetted marshland ("Paludiculture") are being tested and piloted where possible. The project thus makes an important contribution to the reduced risk of fire, protection of the climate and restoration of a unique biodiversity.

Project duration:
United States dollar


The project aims to improve the system of registration of legal rights to immovable property by developing standardized, clear and more efficient registration procedures, and by introducing an improved information management system for the registration offices.

Government of Germany, German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development

United States dollar

United States dollar
ISO 4217 code
Currency Symbol
Project duration:
United States dollar


Within the framework of the project, the most important dry-laid peatlands in Central Russia are identified and rewetted using various methods. In addition, Russian partners will be trained so that they can independently implement the method of ecological rewetting in the future. Possibilities of sustainable use of rewetted marshland ("Paludiculture") are being tested and piloted where possible. The project thus makes an important contribution to the reduced risk of fire, protection of the climate and restoration of a unique biodiversity.

Project duration:
United States dollar


The project aims to improve the system of registration of legal rights to immovable property by developing standardized, clear and more efficient registration procedures, and by introducing an improved information management system for the registration offices.

Government of Germany, German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development

United States dollar

United States dollar
ISO 4217 code
Currency Symbol
Project duration:
United States dollar


Within the framework of the project, the most important dry-laid peatlands in Central Russia are identified and rewetted using various methods. In addition, Russian partners will be trained so that they can independently implement the method of ecological rewetting in the future. Possibilities of sustainable use of rewetted marshland ("Paludiculture") are being tested and piloted where possible. The project thus makes an important contribution to the reduced risk of fire, protection of the climate and restoration of a unique biodiversity.

Project duration:
United States dollar


The project aims to improve the system of registration of legal rights to immovable property by developing standardized, clear and more efficient registration procedures, and by introducing an improved information management system for the registration offices.

German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development

United States dollar

United States dollar
ISO 4217 code
Currency Symbol
Project duration:
United States dollar


Within the framework of the project, the most important dry-laid peatlands in Central Russia are identified and rewetted using various methods. In addition, Russian partners will be trained so that they can independently implement the method of ecological rewetting in the future. Possibilities of sustainable use of rewetted marshland ("Paludiculture") are being tested and piloted where possible. The project thus makes an important contribution to the reduced risk of fire, protection of the climate and restoration of a unique biodiversity.

Project duration:
United States dollar


The project aims to improve the system of registration of legal rights to immovable property by developing standardized, clear and more efficient registration procedures, and by introducing an improved information management system for the registration offices.

Government of Germany, German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development

United States dollar

United States dollar
ISO 4217 code
Currency Symbol
Project duration:
United States dollar


Within the framework of the project, the most important dry-laid peatlands in Central Russia are identified and rewetted using various methods. In addition, Russian partners will be trained so that they can independently implement the method of ecological rewetting in the future. Possibilities of sustainable use of rewetted marshland ("Paludiculture") are being tested and piloted where possible. The project thus makes an important contribution to the reduced risk of fire, protection of the climate and restoration of a unique biodiversity.

Project duration:
United States dollar


The project aims to improve the system of registration of legal rights to immovable property by developing standardized, clear and more efficient registration procedures, and by introducing an improved information management system for the registration offices.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands

United States dollar

United States dollar
ISO 4217 code
Currency Symbol
Project duration:
United States dollar


Within the framework of the project, the most important dry-laid peatlands in Central Russia are identified and rewetted using various methods. In addition, Russian partners will be trained so that they can independently implement the method of ecological rewetting in the future. Possibilities of sustainable use of rewetted marshland ("Paludiculture") are being tested and piloted where possible. The project thus makes an important contribution to the reduced risk of fire, protection of the climate and restoration of a unique biodiversity.

Project duration:
United States dollar


The project aims to improve the system of registration of legal rights to immovable property by developing standardized, clear and more efficient registration procedures, and by introducing an improved information management system for the registration offices.

World Bank Group
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28 Março 2022
A guerra da Rússia contra a Ucrânia já completa um mês sem sinais de claros de desfecho [1]. Apesar das baixas civis e militares em ambos os lados, a escalada do conflito tem sido refreada pela intervenção não direta por parte da OTAN, uma vez que isso significaria um ato de guerra do Ocidente…