Morocco Country Narrative -Arabic version
This is the arabic version of the Morocco country narrative
This is the arabic version of the Morocco country narrative
In August 2020, the UN-Habitat Sudan Country Programme and the Global Land Tool Network (GLTN) published the “Darfur Land Administration Assessment: Analysis and Recommendations” report, developed in close cooperation with the United Nations Country Team of Sudan, the United Nations - African Union Hybrid Operation in Darfur (UNAMID) and the Darfur Land Commission.
Insaniyat est une revue algérienne d’anthropologie et de sciences sociales valorisant l’activité de recherche sur le terrain. Largement ouverte aux différentes disciplines ayant pour objet l’homme et la société, elle s'inscrit dans le vaste projet anthropologique. Insaniyat rend compte des travaux menés sur tout le territoire national algérien par les chercheurs travaillant dans le cadre de projets initiés par les institutions de recherche. Elle tâche aussi de se constituer en un carrefour accueillant pour d’autres scientifiques en Algérie ou à l’étranger.
Seeds of cereals (wheat, barley) and legumes (faba bean, lentil, chickpea, grasspea) are important exchange materials for farming, crop production, and research at national, regional, and international levels, but with the exchanges comes the danger of introducing new pests (fungi, bacteria, viruses, nematodes, and insects). ICARDA’s Germplasm Health Unit (GHU) is responsible for the monitoring, clearance, and documentation of safe germplasm movement at the Center.
In order to safeguard countries from quarantine risks (insect pests, pathogens, nematodes, parasitic weeds) associated with the movement of legume (faba bean, lentil, chickpea, grasspea) and cereal (wheat and barley) germplasm, ICARDA’s Germplasm Health Unit (GHU) follows a regulatory and quarantine program implemented in close collaboration with competent institutions where ICARDA has platforms for crop breeding, germplasm multiplication and evaluation and genetic resources exchange.
Syria is famous for cultivation of many different vegetable crops in most governorates during both winter and summer growing seasons, due to its Mediterranean moderate climate conditions, characterized by a mild winter and a hot dry summer. Vegetables cultivation is a very important sector of the Syrian agriculture, as it represents an important source of income for growers and a source of hard currency through export.
The data collection tools was developed to collect follow-up data among farmers that participated in the iNASHR project in Egypt