Displaying 1 - 5 of 20Land Valuation Act 2012 (No. 1 of 2014).
This Act provides for how land is to be valued for various other Acts and for other purposes as may be required from time to time. There shall be a valuer-general for Norfolk Island who shall be appointed by the Minister. The Act sets out valuation methodologies. For deciding the value of land, all land is taken to be granted in fee simple. An owner may object to a valuation of the owner’s land. The Act sets out the procedures for such objection. The valuer-general must consider and decide a properly made objection.
Land Administration Fees (Amendment) Regulations 2014 (No. 6 of 2014).
These Regulations amend the Land Administration Fees Regulations 1997 in regulation 3A. That regulation prescribes transactions for the purposes of paragraph 6(f) of the Act. Paragraph 6(f) exempts prescribed transactions from the payment of fees.
Amends: Land Administration Fees Regulations 1997. (2008-03-04)
Land Administration Fees (Amendment) Act 2014 (No. 9 of 2014).
This Act amends the Land Administration Fees Act 1996 by repealing subsection 4(8) and inserting a new section, which concerns a fee payable in respect of the registration of an instrument other than an instrument referred to in subsections 4(1) and 4(7) and in section 6 (except paragraph (f)) of the Act.
Absentee Landowners Levy (Amendment No. 2) Act 2014 (No. 6 of 2014)
This Act amends the Absentee Landowners Levy Act 1976 in Paragraph (1)(a) of section 3. That provision defines, for the purposes of the princiapal Act, an absentee, in relation to a year of levy: (a) a person, not being a company, who: (i) has been absent from Norfolk Island for more than one-half of the year of levy; and defines businesses.
Amends: Absentee Landowners Levy Act 1976. (2008-02-06)
Trustee Act 1931.
This Act adopts for Norfolk island the Trustee Act 1925 of the State of New South Wales, as amended, subject to such modifications and adaptations as re prescribed. Judicial power or function as set out in the Trustee Act 1925 shall, in relation to Norfolk Island, be vested in and exercised by the Supreme Court. The Act grants regulation-making powers to the Administrator.