Community-based natural resource management and local users of natural resources can, and in many cases do, manage resources sustainably – if their rights to do so are recognized and protected, if appropriate institutions are in place or can be developed, and if the benefits are significant,…
The Government of South Africa has a major holding of forest land, with a total estate covering 892,000 ha of forest and associated land. Within the state's forest holding there is a wide diversity of forest and land types including: commercial plantations and other afforested land;…
This Notice of the Minister of Environmental Affairs and Tourism, made under section 26 of the Environment Conservation Act, 1989, concerns authorization of activities as identified G.N. No. 879 that may have a detrimental effect on the environment in respect of the Pennington Sensitive Coastal…
To provide for the prohibition of unlawful eviction; to provide for procedures for the eviction of unlawful occupiers; and to repeal the Prevention of Illegal Squatting Act, 1951, and other obsolete laws; and to provide for matters incidental thereto.
Concentrates on the black smallholder farming sector. Policy objectives should include:Resource Conserving Technologies: re-orientation away from large scale farmers, consideration of goals other than high input/output (risk management, labour input, gender). More participatory methods in areas…
Over the years agricultural scientists and extension agents have asked themselves why farmers do not take steps to control soil erosion, especially where such measures would appear to be cost-effective. Several explanations have been put forward, but thus far insufficient attention has been…
Access to land is increasingly becoming a problem in Africa as a result both of population growth and tenure reforms. The standard argument for tenure reform centres on the role of uncertainty in discouraging investment on land held without long-term security. The rationale for this '…