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Displaying 313 - 324 of 1421
Reports & Research
Junho 2016

This report for public comment presents and analyses key issues arising from extensive interviews
conducted with workers on and off farm, individual employers, representatives of organised
agriculture, trade unions, NGOs, worker support organisations, municipal councillors and…

Legislation & Policies
Junho 2016

In this case, which was  heard before the Constitutional Court of the Republic of South Africa, The Restitution of Land Rights Amendment  Act 15 of 2014  was declared invalid. The Act, among other things, sought to extend the period in which land restitution claims could be  lodged. However, the…

Reports & Research
Junho 2016

This literature review aims to situate farm labour within the particular history of the development of agriculture in the Cape while providing a critical assessment of the changing approaches to thinking about farm workers and their socio-economic needs by employers and the state. The review…

Legislation & Policies
Junho 2016


"The question presented before this Court concerns the determination of compensation in accordance with section 23(1) of the Land Reform (Labour Tenants) Act 3 of 1996 (“the Act”) due to the applicant. The merits of the matter were decided by Moloto AJ in Msiza v…

Reports & Research
Junho 2016

Summarises papers discussed at an April 2016 symposium on land, law and traditional leadership. Includes land redistribution: tinkering at the edges, tenure insecurity, courting the chiefs, echoes of apartheid, opportunities for enrichment, a way forward

Journal Articles & Books
Maio 2016

This publication is a compilation of presentations and recommendations resulting from the Global Conference on Inland Fisheries: Freshwater, Fish and the Future, convened at FAO HQ in January 2015 and is part of an MOU signed with Michigan State University. Contents include scientific papers on…

Journal Articles & Books
Maio 2016

This publication responds to calls in regional and global forestry forums to strengthen capacity for effectively developing and implementing payment schemes for environmental services in sub-Saharan Africa. In particular, the African Forestry and Wildlife Commission, at its 18th session, called…

Reports & Research
Maio 2016

Between late 2014 and June 2016, South Africa experienced an El Niño-related drought, which various reports claim to be the worst meteorological drought in the southern Africa region in 35 years. In February 2016, the Southern Africa Food Lab (SAFL) commissioned a drought impact assessment (DIA…

Manuals & Guidelines
Maio 2016

This guide explains the sale-in-execution process and sets out what steps homeowners can take to avoid their houses being sold in execution. Courts are legally required to make sure that sales-in-execution follow the proper legal process and that the interests of both homeowners and banks are…

Reports & Research
Maio 2016

The author looks at the past 22 years of land reform in South Africa. What is going wrong in South Africa’s post-apartheid land reform programme, and how can its failings be addressed? 22 years after the transition to democracy and the commencement of land reform, there is a great deal of lived…

Legislation & Policies
Maio 2016

The Committee met to deal with the two proposed amendments that had been made by the National Council of Provinces (NCOP) on the Expropriation Bill [B4B-2015]. The first amendment aimed to increase the number of days in which the municipal manager must inform the expropriating authority, in…

Legislation & Policies
Maio 2016

Policy Statemen the amount f compensation to be paid to a Claimant (that has opted for restitution in the form of financial compensation) that is entitled to restitution shall be determined in accordance with this policy, read the Restitution Act. This policy replaces prior policies on the…