The Stats SA Interactive Data Platform is a comprehensive data repository that enables users to browse, analyse, tabulate, and download datasets. These datasets are derived from a wide array of census and household survey data, along with their corresponding metadata, available in various…
The document titled "Bibliography of Resources on Urban Land Issues in South Africa" is a searchable database that provides a wealth of resources on urban land issues in South Africa. The Centre for Affordable Housing Finance in Africa compiled this database in 2019. It is an…
The Cadastre Property Search Viewer is an online tool that users can utilize to generate maps based on cadastral data. This tool is particularly useful in the field of land governance and land tenure security, as it provides visual representations of property boundaries and ownership details.…
The Church Land Programme is primarily a blog site. It does not appear to provide a dataset of land holdings owned by churches or religious organizations. This resource could be more useful in the context of land governance if it included such data, as it would contribute to a better…
"Citymark: Interactive Housing Markets Insights 2017 Dashboard" is an interactive tool that displays the distribution of residential properties at the local area level, segmented by various market categories. It also provides key municipal housing market indicators for the eight major…
"Citymark: Mortgage Lending in South Africa 2017 Dashboard" is a comprehensive tool that provides a detailed overview of the levels of mortgage support for housing transactions and registrations. This dashboard focuses on the activities of lending institutions across South Africa'…
The document titled "Department of Human Settlements Annual Performance Plans" provides annual performance plans that indicate the delivery of housing and serviced land. This resource is particularly relevant to land governance and land tenure security as it offers insights into the…
The Department of Human Settlements Annual Reports are comprehensive documents that provide yearly updates on the status of human settlements within the country. These reports are crucial for understanding changes in land governance and land tenure security, as they offer insights into the…
The Land Audit Report 2017 is a comprehensive document that provides detailed information on private land ownership within the country. It categorizes this data based on race, gender, and nationality, offering valuable insights into the distribution of land ownership. This report is particularly…
The document titled "Land Ownership and Housing South Africa 2017 (General Household Survey)" provides a comprehensive analysis of land and house ownership in South Africa. It breaks down the data by province, race, and gender for the year 2017. This resource is particularly relevant…
The South African Spatial Data Infrastructure (SASDI) was established by the Spatial Data Infrastructure Act, No 54 of 2003. This act also led to the formation of the Committee for Spatial Information (CSI). The SASDI is a crucial resource for land governance and land tenure security, providing…
The document titled "Sustainable Human Settlements: Investment Potential Atlas 2009" is sourced from the 2013 CSIR HDA Report 3, specifically from the "Scan Decision Support Tools v12.docx" by van Niekerk. This resource provides valuable insights into sustainable human…