Anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases and particulate matter have caused continued environmental concerns at both local and global scales. Greenbelts along highways have been implemented to aid in the uptake of emissions along transport sectors. The present study evaluated the capabilities…
Human activity such as the development of slope land around watersheds has dramatically affected the ecological environment in Taiwan. This situation has been aggravated by heavy precipitation from typhoons in the summertime. The results include serious soil erosion and mass movement in the Shih…
Using a unique dataset of 703,287 farm operators from the Taiwanese Census of Agriculture merged to administrative records from the National Farmers' Health Insurance (FHI) program, we examine the effects of the enrollment in the FHI program on farmers’ on- and off-farm labor supply and the…
This study analyzes the significant impacts of typhoons and earthquakes on land cover change and hydrological response. The occurrence of landslides following typhoons and earthquakes is a major indicator of natural disturbance. The hydrological response of the Chenyulan watershed to land use…
Environmental change can be monitored and assessed by analyzing changes in bird populations. This study employed multivariate factorial kriging (MFK) to determine the multiscale changes in the distribution of five commonly observed bird species to urban environmental change. Areas of…
The story of agricultural policy in Northeast Asia over the past 50 years illustrates the dramatic changes that can occur in distortions to agricultural incentives faced by producers and consumers at different stages of economic development. In this study of Japan, the Republic of Korea (the…
The story of agricultural policy in Northeast Asia over the past 50 years illustrates the dramatic changes that can occur in distortions to agricultural incentives faced by producers and consumers at different stages of economic development. In this study of Japan, the Republic of Korea (the…
Effective information regarding environmental responses to future land-use and climate change scenarios provides useful support for decision making in land use planning, management and policies. This study developed an approach for modeling and examining the impacts of future land-use and…
Trade liberalization and globalization has modernized the food retail sector in Taiwan, affecting consumers, producers and trade patterns. These changes have placed significant pressures on farmers and processors including more stringent quality control and product varieties. The government…
Thorough land use planning in a slope land watershed requires careful consideration of both natural and social conditions. A modified "simple-accurate" method was used to estimate a land use potential value for each terrain unit of a slope land watershed in Taiwan. Soil loss estimates…
This report is based on the Taiwan's irrigation systems.The first part of this report gives a brief introduction to the Taiwan irrigation systems. Based on the visit and discussions by two IWMI staff members from 25 September to 4 October 2000 with the Association Managers, staff of the…