I Brevetti delle Nazioni Unite sono stati sviluppati allo scopo di sensibilizzare, educare e soprattutto motivare i giovani a modificare i loro comportamenti e a diventare protagonisti attivi del cambiamento nella propria comunità. I Brevetti possono essere usati per lezioni scolastiche,…
Meeting symbol/code: GSPPA-II/14/ Report
Session: Sess.2
The purpose of the United Nations Challenge Badges is to raise awareness, educate and, most of all, motivate young people to change their behaviour and be active agents of change in their local communities. Challenge Badges are appropriate for use with school classes and youth groups, and are…
Les Insignes des Nations Unies ont pour but l’éducation et la sensibilisation des jeunes en les motivant à améliorer leur comportement, à s’engager comme acteurs principaux d’un changement au niveau local. Les insignes sont un outil pédagogique adapté au cours d’école et aux groupes de jeunes,…
En el marco de la gobernanza moderna, la transparencia significa reconocer la responsabilidad de proporcionar informaciones. El sistema de las Naciones Unidas, como un servicio público mundial, tiene que dar el ejemplo al suministrar información a sus Estados Miembros, órganos rectores,…
El año 2014 fue declarado oficialmente por la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas como “Año Internacional de la Agricultura Familiar” (AIAF), para poner de relieve el papel primordial que juegan los agricultores familiares en la mitigación del hambre y la pobreza, su contribución a la…
Këto udhëzime janë instrumenti i parë i gjithanshëm botëror për të drejtat mbi burimet dhe administrimin e tyre që është përgatitur me negociata ndërqeveritare. Udhëzimet parashtrojnë parimet dhe standardet e pranuara botërisht të praktikave të përgjegjshme për përdorimin dhe mbajtjen në…
Forest governance assessment is an expanding practice. People are using Assessments to watch for developing problems, diagnose needs for reform, Monitor progress of programs, and evaluate impacts. Governments, civil society Organizations, development partners, academics and coalitions of…
Exploration and mapping of alternative land uses suggest ways to foster territorial development pathways that can coexist with a forest cover. As the Pampas and Chaco are becoming one of the most relevant global grain suppliers of South America, the fast expansion of crops over pastures (Pampas…