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This Act provides for cases in which mines or minerals are situated under land to be acquired for public purposes or for Companies under the Land Acquisition Act 1880 replaced by the Land Acquisition Act 1894.


This Act prohibits the occupation of certain lands, and the building of structures on these without obtaining previous permission by the Authorized Officer. The Provincial Government shall declare these lands to be controlled areas for the purposes of this Act. Offences and penalties are…


This Act provides for land reforms by prescribing the maximum limits of property which may be owned, held, possessed or controlled by any person. The Act consists of 9 Chapters divided into 35 sections.Chapter II provides for restrictions on ownership and possession of land. No person shall own…


This Act amends the Land Reforms Regulation, 1972. It shall extend to the whole of the Province of the Punjab. Amendments have been made to paragraph 7 and 8 regarding the transfer of land and limits on individual holdings. Paragraphs 10, 12, 13, 18, 19 and 21 underwent minor amendments. Further…


This Ordinance provides for the establishment of a wholesale vegetable market at Lahore.The Ordinance recognizes the power of the Commissioner to take possession of the land required for the establishment of the vegetable market. The Lahore Improvement Trust shall then be responsible for paying…


This Act provides for the establishment of the New Murree Development Authority, defines its powers and functions and provides for its administration and functioning.Powers and functions of the Authority include: preparation, implementation and enforcement of schemes for environmental…


This Regulation provides for land reforms by giving ceilings of ownership, regulating surrendered land and compensation, etc. It consists of 9 Parts divided into 32 paragraphs.Part II provides for the constitution of a Land Commission of the Province and of a Federal Land Commission. Part III…


This Act recognizes the power of the Provincial Government to temporarily regulate, restrict or prohibit certain activities in any area subject to erosion and take up reforestation and soil conservation programmes.The Provincial Government may also require owners or occupiers of land subject to…


This Act provides for the speedy reclamation and improvement of waterlogged and saline areas and the prevention of damage to maximise agriculture production.The Act’s main objectives are to: control operations of tube wells; regulate groundwater supplies; increase revenues; etc.The Act further…


This Act provides for the establishment of the Bahalwapur Development Authority, defines its powers and functions and provides for its administration and functioning.Powers and functions of the Authority include: preparation, implementation and enforcement of schemes for development of…


This Act provides for the establishment of the Dera Ghazi Khan Development Authority, defines its powers and functions and provides for its administration and functioning.Powers and functions of the Authority include: preparation, implementation and enforcement of schemes for development of…


This Ordinance provides for the disposal of urban land. A layout of land to be disposed of shall be prepared specifying the purpose for which the land shall be used and the class of buildings to be constructed.The Ordinance further provides for: disposal of plots by public auction; disposal of…