On 7 November, a UN-REDD-hosted side event looked at how to improve delivery on reference levels and results reporting through South-South collaboration between REDD+ countries, with several representatives providing accounts of their current national activities.
Meeting Name: FAO Committee on Forestry
Meeting symbol/code: COFO 2016/REP
Session: Sess. 23
Meeting Name: Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (CGRFA)
Meeting symbol/code: CGRFA-16/17/11
Session: Sess.16
La publication de ce numéro d’Unasylva coïncide avec deux événements marquants pour les forêts. Les 196 Parties à la Convention-cadre des Nations Unies sur les changements climatiques viennent de se réunir à la Conférence Paris climat 2015 en vue de négocier un accord qui soit en mesure de…
This report provides an overview of about twenty bioeconomy strategies, at international , national and sub-national levels. It analyses how these strategies have addressed sustainability issues. The report also provides a brief discussion on approaches used to develop bioeconomy strategies…
Meeting Name: FAO Regional Conference for Latin America and the Caribbean (LARC)
Meeting symbol/code: LARC/16/4
Session: Sess. 34
Where do forests and forestry stand today in international climate change negotiations? What exactly does it mean to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+)? What are the opportunities and risks for forests in today’s changing climate and is there a clear path forward…
Meeting Name: Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (CGRFA)
Meeting symbol/code: CGRFA-16/17/16
Session: Sess.16
The publication is a small easy to read information booklet laid out in short blocks of text and colourful photographs. It provides clear information in reply to three questions: What is legal preparedness for REDD+? Why are adequate legal frameworks important for the success of REDD+? and Where…
Desde las décadas de 1970 y 1980, la forestería comunitaria ha ido adquiriendo cada vez más popularidad, a partir del concepto de que las comunidades locales, cuando se les conceden suficientes derechos de propiedad sobre los bosques colectivos locales, pueden organizarse de forma autónoma y…
Meeting Name: Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (CGRFA)
Meeting symbol/code: CGRFA-16/17/11
Session: Sess.16