The global food system will experience an unprecedented combination of pressures over the next 40 years. Global population size will increase and competition for land, water and energy will intensify, while the effects of climate change will become increasingly apparent. Over this period,…
In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus there was analyzed a problem of economic basing of optimal functioning of melioration system taking into account planning of agricultural production and reproduction of water-and-land resources during the given period. There were presented methods of…
The cadastre structure in the system of land and real estate management is determined by existing and technologically dependent kinds of works and procedures on registration, recording and valuation of real estate. A general approach to land evaluation of all categories is a differential rent…
The results of the field research studying the effects of aggregates with heavy payload machines on the soil are presented. The influence of maximum tire pressure on soil while changing the pressure in a wide range is analyzed. The main characteristics of the machines, such as total mass;…
In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus there was developed an information model for the provision of use and protection of arable lands taking into consideration the main sources and factors of anthropogenic influence on land resources. The model of information supply of the usage and…
A distinguishing characteristic of Belarus is the presence of boggy territories and abundant humidification of the land. Natural and climatic conditions permanently influence on the agricultural producing process of the republic. Most of the waterlogged lands have been undeveloped for a long…
In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus there was presents an organization of agricultural use of lands contaminated by radioactive elements. There were shown theoretical bases of the main problems forming the components of a complex project of intra-farm land usage. In course of the study…
The problem of complex system development for soil fertility management is analyzed. The necessity of crop yields increment, soil productivity promotion is evaluated. The main goals of the soil fertility increase are displayed. The potential directions of the perspective research in agricultural…
To determine the agricultural crops productivity on reclaimed areas with the adjusted water regime it is offered to use the point estimation of ground fertility and standard report data on different areas actual productivity (ploughed field, hayfield, pasture). The dependence of crop yield…
Meeting Name: European Commission on Agriculture
Meeting symbol/code: ECA 36/10/3
Session: Sess. 36
Land Tenure Working Paper 16 Governance of Land Tenure Eastern Europe and Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) looks at the land governance situation in the region. It has been prepared to provide a base for discussion for the regional consultation meetings on the FAO Voluntary Guidelines on…
Настоящее исследование по вопросам управления землепользованием в странах Восточной Европы и Содружества Независимых Государств (СНГ) было подготовлено в качестве основания для обсуждения в ходе региональных консультационных совещаний в рамках разработки Добровольных руководящих принципов…