Doing Business sheds light on how easy or difficult it is for a local entrepreneur to open and run a small to medium-size business when complying with relevant regulations. It measures and tracks changes in regulations affecting 10 areas in the life cycle of a business: starting a business,…
The rural populations of southern Bangladesh are some of the most vulnerable communities in the world to the future impacts of climate change. They are particularly at risk from floods, waterlogged soils, and increasing salinity of both land and water. The objective of this project was to…
Ces directives techniques sur l’utilisation des ressources halieutiques sauvages pour l’aquaculture fondée sur les captures (CBA) ont été préparées par le Département des pêches et de l’aquaculture de l’Organisation des Nations Unies pour l’alimentation et l’agriculture (FAO) sous la…
Through six themes: tenure policy; water management; sustainable housing; waste treatment and recycling practices; urban agriculture; and construction practices, nine case studies address diverse urban sustainability challenges facing cities in Peru, Senegal, Bangladesh, Ethiopia, the…
Besides India, there are a few other countries like Mexico, Spain, Pakistan, Bangladesh and China which also make intensive use of groundwater. This highlight reviews groundwater institutions and policies in these countries, with a special focus on the interlinkages between energy and…
Tigerpaper is a quarterly news bulletin dedicated to the exchange of information relating to wildlife and natural resources management for the Asia-Pacific. Forest News reports on FAO activities in the forestry sector in the Asia-Pacific region.
Land Watch Asia (LWA) is a campaign undertaken by a loose coalition of organizations with a view to supporting and advancing the advocacy for access to land in Asia, particularly in the six participating countries, namely: Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Nepal, and the Philippines. LWA…
A quarterly news bulletin dedicated to the exchange of information relating to wildlife and natural resources management for the Asia-Pacific region.
This tenth edition of State of the World's Forests elaborates on a fundamental truth: forests, forestry and forest products play a critical role in sustainable development. State of the World's Forests is published every two years. Throughout history, deforestation has…
Данные руководящие принципы являются первым всесторонним глобальным правовым документом, посвященным вопросам системы владения и пользования ресурсами и ее регулирования, который был подготовлен на основе межправительственных переговоров. В них установлены принципы и международно признанные…