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This Decree establishes the modalities of public access to information detained by state institutions and local government at request of natural or legal persons and extracts from official documents. Director or head of state institution or local government shall be responsible for release of…


This Decree establishes that restrictions of economic activities in protected areas are envisaged in legislation on protected areas.
Implements: Law on immovable property tax. (2003-06-20)


This Decree establishes the modalities of updating cadastre value of immovable property (revision and re-calculation) subject to application of levies and taxes. Cadastre value of immovable property shall be updated by 1 January of the following year if within 15 October of the previous year was…


This Law establishes that concession shall be intended transfer of rights for rendering services or of exclusive rights to management of concession resources that are transferred for a certain period of time through conclusion of concession contract. The scope of this Law shall be determination…


This Regulation provides the parameters of the Plan for spatial management of the Special Purpose National Park "Kozara", located on the territory of the Republic of Srpska.The Plan includes all necessary technical and administrative issues aimed to correctly define the sustainable…


This Law amends certain provisions part of the Law on land book (Official Gazette 67/2003).Changes are related to the procedure for submission of official cadastre report; and other transitional provisions regarding the concrete application of regulations part of the book of deposited contracts…


This Law amends some of the provisions part of the Law on state survey and cadastre (Official Gazette 55/2003).Changes are regarding the entry into force and the mandatory repeal of certain previous laws.
Amends: Law on state survey and cadastre. (2003)


This Law prescribes all necessary measures and rules for the mandatory keeping, maintenance and establishment of the official land registry (Land Book), as well as the registration of real estate and natural property units in the land register of the Republic of Srpska.This Law further defines…


The present Ordinance is made under the Federal Soil Protection Act of 17 March 1998 (BGBl. I p. 502) and the Baden-Wuerttemberg Soil Protection and Contaminated Sites Law of 14 December 2004. In particular, the Ordinance lays down provisions relating to experts and examining bodies for soil…


This Order amends the Dangerous Wild Animals (Jersey) Law 1999, the Artificial Insemination of Domestic Animals (Bovine Semen) (Jersey) Order 2008, the Community Provisions (Bovine Embryos) (Fees) (Jersey) Order 2011, Animal Welfare (Licence Fee) (Jersey) Order 2008, the Endangered Species (…


The Order partly amends Order No. 94, in particular the deadline and means for applying for subsidy – whereby the application must be submitted electronically and in adherence to Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) No. 640/2014 of 11 March 2014. The Order repeals articles 25, 25a-25f, 30 and 39…


These Regulations amend the Foreshore Act 1933 for the purpose of giving effect in part to Council Directive No. 2011/92/EU. They amend section 13A which sets out the developments/activities that may require environmental impact assessment in relation to consents under the Act. Deep drilling…