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This Act establishes the Namibian Council for Property Valuers Profession and provides with respect to qualification and registration of immovable property valuers. It also provides for control of the conduct of the professional practice of property valuers and disciplinary powers of the…


This Act establishes the Tanzania Fertilizer Regulatory Authority as a body corporate and provides rules relative to the manufacturing, importation and use of and trade in fertilizers, or fertilizer supplements, e.g. growth stimulators and regulators and similar products. It also provides for…


Ce décret fixe la composition et les attributions de la commission nationale consultative des périmètres publics irrigués.
Met en oeuvre: Loi nº 63-18 portant réforme agraire dans les périmètres publics irrigués, modifiée et complétée par la loi nº 71-9 du 16 février 1971. (1963-05-27)…


En application des dispositions de l’article 5 de la loi nº 04-03, relative à la protection des zones de montagnes dans le cadre du développement durable, le présent décret a pour objet de définir les études et les consultations préalables requises ainsi que l’ensemble des conditions, des…


This Act makes provision for the administration and procedures relative to the registration of titles in land to which this Act applies, defines the effect of registration of title, defines (special) powers of the principal registrar of titles and a registrar of titles, provides rules relative…


This Act makes provision for the registration of deeds relating to immovable property and the appointment of the Registrar of Deeds. It also provides rules for the alienation of land by the State, the manner of transfer of land in general and concerns rights in immovable property and related to…


The Governor shall appoint a Commission to deal with concessions confirmed by the Chief Court. Any concession or grant on land conferring any of the rights listed in article 4 shall be suspended until further notification is made according to the provisions of this Act. The Commission appointed…


La presente Ley sobre el régimen de propiedad de tierras de Guinea Ecuatorial, establece que se distinguirán las tierras según pertenezcan a particulares y entidades, o formen parte del patrimonio del Estado; estas últimas se dividirán en tierras de dominio publico y tierras de propiedad privada…


This Act makes provision for wayleaves in favour of the Government on private lands for purposes of carrying out of public works and for the protection of such works on any lands. The term "private land" does not include any land sold or leased under any Act dealing with Government…

National Policies

The Agricultural Policy for Nigeria is a sectoral national policy in force for the period of 1985-2000. The main objective of the document is to further develop and improve the performance of the country’s agricultural sector.The Policy envisages a series of measures to enable more inclusive and…


Les dispositions du présent décret modifient celles des articles 4, 35 et 36 du décret qui fixe les modalités d'instruction et de délivrance des permis et des certificats suivants: certificat d'urbanisme, permis de lotir, certificat de morcellement, permis de construire, certificat de…


This Act defines national territory planning, town and country planning in compliance with article 186, point (b) and article 187, paragraph 2, point (e) of the Constitution. This Act is divided into 8 chapters establishing classifications and definitions of urban territories (Chap. I). It also…