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Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro 2018

In economics, land has been traditionally assumed to be a fixed production factor, both in terms of quantity supplied and mobility, as opposed to capital and labor, which are usually considered to be mobile factors, at least to some extent. Yet, in the last decade, international investors have…

Dezembro 2018




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Afin d’améliorer la gouvernance foncière et de garantir les droits fonciers de tous dans la

Reports & Research
Dezembro 2018

Ce guide en image est le fruit des deux ateliers de Renforcement des capacités des Comités régionaux de transhumance qui ont réuni 110 participants (pasteurs/éleveurs, les gouvernorats, les conseils régionaux, les préfets, les maires, les chefs traditionnels, les services techniques régionaux et…

Reports & Research
Dezembro 2018

FAO’s Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security (VGGT) were endorsed by the Committee on World Food Security in May 2012. These Voluntary Guidelines have been described as a catalyst leading to…

Policy Papers & Briefs
Dezembro 2018

This project tests two approaches to increasing women’s integration into and returns from cash crop value chains. We aim to determine whether these interventions affect intrahousehold allocation of resources, decision-making power, consumption and investment, productivity of the cash crop at the…