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Scaling readiness: learnings from applying a novel approach to support scaling of food system innovations

Dezembro, 2021

Scaling of innovations is a key requirement for addressing societal challenges in sectors such as agriculture, but research for development programs struggles to make innovations go to scale. There is a gap between new complexity-aware scientific theories and perspectives on innovation and practical approaches that can improve strategic and operational decision-making in research for development

Rapport d'atelier sur le foncier au Senegal

Conference Papers & Reports
Novembro, 2021

Au demeurant, bien accompagner et appuyer les communautés locales dans la défense de leurs droits fonciers suppose une bonne connaissance des mécanismes nationaux et supranationaux de protection des droits fonciers des communautés. Or, si les premiers sont connus et mobilisés par les acteurs et organisations dans le cadre de leur travail, les seconds restent encore largement méconnus et donc peu mobilisés dans la défense des droits fonciers des communautés locales.

Creating an enabling environment for responsible investment in agriculture and food systems - Reform

Policy Papers & Briefs
Novembro, 2021

This fact sheet describes the course that provides guidance on driving reforms that strengthen policy, legal, regulatory and institutional frameworks for responsible agricultural investment (RAI). Specifically, the course provides support to design the reform strategy, establish multi-stakeholder consultation processes for decision-making and enhance the role of regulatory processes in creating an enabling environment for responsible agricultural investment.

L’État de la sécurité alimentaire et de la nutrition dans le monde 2021

Reports & Research
Novembro, 2021

Ces dernières années, plusieurs grands facteurs sont intervenus qui font que le monde n’est plus en voie de mettre un terme à la faim et à la malnutrition sous toutes ses formes d’ici à 2030. Les difficultés n’ont fait que grandir en raison de la pandémie de covid-19 et des mesures qui ont été prises pour l’endiguer. Le présent rapport contient la première évaluation mondiale de l’insécurité alimentaire et de la malnutrition pour l’année 2020 et donne une idée de ce à quoi ressemblerait la faim en 2030, dans un scénario encore compliqué par les effets prolongés de la pandémie de covid-19.

Land Tenure and Sustainable Agri Food Systems

Policy Papers & Briefs
Novembro, 2021

The aim of this paper is to consolidate lessons from existing evidence that demonstrates the role of equitable access and tenure security to land in achieving sustainable food systems transformation, and subsequently, for the overall achievement of the SDGs. It makes the case of the importance of reforming and securing access and tenure rights to land and natural resources.

Key Messages on Women, Land and Peace

Reports & Research
Novembro, 2021

These messages were developed based on the field experience in fragile and crisis affected contexts of UN-Habitat and the partners of the Global Land Tool Network and the HLP Area of Responsibility of the Global Protection Cluster. They are a quick reference on how to empower
women and protect their housing, land and property rights in fragile and crisis affected contexts and why this is an essential element to sustain peace and stability.

Land Rights Matter – Global Programme Responsible Land Policy

Institutional & promotional materials
Novembro, 2021
Burkina Faso
Côte d'Ivoire

In this introductory video to the Global Programme Responsible Land Policy answers are given to what it wants to achieve, how it works and why land rights are so important. The Global Programme is commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), co-funded by the European Union and works in Benin, Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Ethiopia, Laos, Madagascar, Peru (completed in 2021), Uganda and Paraguay (completed in 2018).


Analyse prospective de la filière cacao en Côte d'Ivoire 2020-2030

Peer-reviewed publication
Novembro, 2021
Côte d'Ivoire
La Côte d’Ivoire dispose d’un ensemble de conditions très favorables à la mise en place d’une politique ambitieuse de transformation de la filière cacao entre 2020 et 2030 qui permettrait d’asseoir le couple Côte d’Ivoire – Ghana comme leader de la production d’un cacao agro-forestier fixateur de carbone et à fort potentiel redistributif.

Role of Women in Maintaining Suburban Agricultural Land in Togo (West Africa)

Journal Articles & Books
Novembro, 2021

The preservation of suburban agricultural land in the face of rapid urbanization in the West African region has been a major problem in recent decades. This paper examines the land tenure strategies used by farmers in relation to their assessments of the impact of urban growth. It is based on individual surveys conducted among farmers and landowners on the outskirts of the city of Lomé in Togo. This study reveals that perceptions differ according to gender and that women—although marginalized by customary land tenure—play an important role in maintaining suburban agricultural land.

Expanding Opportunities: A Framework for Gender and Socially-Inclusive Climate Resilient Agriculture

Journal Articles & Books
Novembro, 2021

Limiting global warming to the 2°C target that countries have committed to in the 2015 Paris Agreement, and reaching the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030, will require large-scale expansion of climate-resilient approaches in agriculture and food systems. In order to achieve the scale of change required, coordinated action is needed from global to local levels, from research to policy and investment, and across private, public, and civil society sectors.

LAND-at-scale Chad

Policy Papers & Briefs
Outubro, 2021

This one-pager provides details on the LAND-at-scale project in Chad. This project is implemented by Kadaster International and Oxfam Novib, and financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs via the Netherlands Enterprise & Development Agency. 

LAND-at-scale Mali

Policy Papers & Briefs
Outubro, 2021

This one-pager provides details on the LAND-at-scale project in Mali. This project is implemented by SNV, KIT, Université des Sciences Juridiques et Politiques de Bamako and Coordination Nationale des Organisations Paysannes, and financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs via the Netherlands Enterprise & Development Agency.