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A Economia Exterativa e Desafios de Industrialização em Moçambique

Reports & Research
Setembro, 2010

A experiência económica de Moçambique é frequentemente  apresentada como  um  exemplo  de  sucesso  na  promoção  de  rápido  crescimento  com estabilização e redução da pobreza. O grau e a robustez do sucesso económico moçambicano  são  determinados  pela  magnitude  das  taxas  de  variação,  isto  é, por quanto é que a economia cresce e a pobreza reduz, e por quão estáveis são (ou  por  quão  pouco  variam)  os  indicadores  monetários,  chave  da  abordagem monetarista de estabilização (inflação, reservas internacionais e taxa de câmbio).

Unfinished Business

Reports & Research
Policy Papers & Briefs
Setembro, 2010

Backed by sound economic policies and until the global crisis, a buoyant global economy, many developing countries made significant movement toward achieving the 2015millennium Development Goals (MDGs), particularly those for poverty reduction, gender parity in education, and reliable access to safe water. But even before the global economic crisis, progress in achieving some MDGs, especially those on child and maternal mortality, primary school completion, hunger, and sanitation, was lagging. The global food, fuel and economic crises have set back progress to the MDGs.

The environmental food crisis: the environment's role in averting future food crises

Reports & Research
Agosto, 2010

The surge in food prices in the last years, following a century of decline, has been the most marked of the past century in its magnitude, duration and the number of commodity groups whose prices have increased. The ensuing crisis has resulted in a 50–200% increase in selected commodity prices, driven 110 million people into poverty and added 44 million more to the undernourished.

The poverty of Restitution?

Conference Papers & Reports
Agosto, 2010
África do Sul

Land reform and rural development are routinely presented as key components of the poverty reduction strategy driven by the State. The restitution programme occupies a particular place in the broader land reform programme as it specifically seeks to redress the land dispossession which took place since 1913 and to alleviate the impoverishment and suffering it caused. Restitution is a hugely challenging undertaking which involves much more than the verification of claimants and the restoration of land.


Reports & Research
Julho, 2010

Tenure in Mystery collates information on land under conservation, forestry and mining in the Karamoja region. Whereas significant changes in the status of land tenure took place with the Parliamentary approval for degazettement of approximately 54% of the land area under wildlife conservation in 2002, little else happened to deliver this update to the beneficiary communities in the region. Instead enclaves of information emerged within the elite and political leadership, by means of which personal interests and rewards were being secured and protected.

Bangladesh - population increase, food shortage

Policy Papers & Briefs
Julho, 2010

In Bangladesh, agriculture is the most significant source of economic growth, it plays a fundamental role in the fight against poverty. The earning potential of most people is limited by their lack of skills, assets, and access to credit. The only lasting way is to ensure sustainable economic growth by implementing policies to promote financial stability and the efficient use of resources.

Protecção Jurídica dos Direitos de Uso e Aproveitamento de Terra das Comunidades

Reports & Research
Junho, 2010

Em  meados  do  ano  2006  o  Centro  de  Formação  Jurídica  e  Judiciária  (CFJJ)  lançou  o projecto de pesquisa sobre “Protecção Jurídica dos Direitos de Uso e Aproveitamento da Terra  das  Comunidades  Locais”  com  o  apoio  financeiro  da  DANIDA.  O  projecto  de pesquisa  contou  ainda  com  sinergias  logísticas  e  técnicas  do  Projecto  “Apoio  Jurídico Descentralizado e Capacitação para a Promoção do Desenvolvimento Sustentável e Boa Governação  a  Nível  Local”,  implementado  pelo  CFJJ  com  o  apoio  técnico  da  FAO  e apoio financeiro do Governo do Rei

Water and Climate Change

Reports & Research
Policy Papers & Briefs
Junho, 2010

Adaptation to climate impacts on groundwater resources in developed and developing countries has not received adequate attention. This reflects the often poorly understood impacts of climate change, the hidden nature of groundwater and the general neglect of groundwater management. Many developing countries are highly reliant on groundwater. Given expectations of reduced supply in many regions and growing demand, pressure on groundwater resources is set to escalate. This is a crucial problem and demands urgent action.

Sustainable Land Management for Mitigation of and Adaptation to Climate Change

Reports & Research
Training Resources & Tools
Junho, 2010

The climate change (CC) caused by increase in atmospheric concentration of CO2 and other Greenhouse Gases (GHGs), can be addressed through adaptation and mitigation strategies. Adaptation consists of strategies which minimize vulnerability to CC. The objective is to increase resilience of the ecosystems and communities through adoption of specific sustainable land management (SLM) techniques that have adaptive benefits. On the other hand, the goal of mitigation strategies is to enhance soil and vegetation (land) sinks for absorbing atmospheric CO2 and to minimize net emissions.

La crise a atteint les populations les plus pauvres de la planète

Journal Articles & Books
Maio, 2010

Contrairement à l'idée reçue que la crise alimentaire de 2007-2008 et la crise économique mondiale n'auraient rien à voir l'une avec l'autre, cet article montre que les deux événements sont dus à des causes macroéconomiques comparables. Il montre en outre que les conséquences de ces deux phénomènes ont des effets cumulatifs qui atteignent les personnes les plus pauvres parmi les pauvres dont la plupart vivent dans les zones rurales des pays en développement ?