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Manuals & Guidelines
Janeiro, 2017

The Constitution of Kenya 2010 apportions responsibility of planning to both National and County governments. The County Government Act, 2012 obligates county governments to prepare and implement County Integrated Development Plans (CIDP). The CIDPs are, according to the act, five year plans that will form the basis of annual budgetary allocation by the county governments.

Land Use Policies and Natural Resource Management in Kenya: The Case of Nairobi River Basin

Journal Articles & Books
Março, 2010

Nairobi River Basin is a complex of several parallel rivers that flow through the City of Nairobi and empty into a larger river and flow to the Indian Ocean. The rivers are polluted with garbage, industrial liquid effluence, agro-chemicals, petro-chemicals among others. This situation has occasioned spread of water-borne diseases, loss of sustainable livelihoods, loss of biodiversity, reduced availability and access to safe potable water, and the insidious effects of toxic substances and heavy metal poisoning which affects human productivity.

Global biomass production potentials exceed expected future demand without the need for cropland expansion

Peer-reviewed publication
Outubro, 2015

Global biomass demand is expected to roughly double between 2005 and 2050. Current studies suggest that agricultural intensification through optimally managed crops on today's cropland alone is insufficient to satisfy future demand. In practice though, improving crop growth management through better technology and knowledge almost inevitably goes along with (1) improving farm management with increased cropping intensity and more annual harvests where feasible and (2) an economically more efficient spatial allocation of crops which maximizes farmers' profit.

Closing Yield Gaps: How Sustainable Can We Be?

Peer-reviewed publication
Maio, 2015

Global food production needs to be increased by 60–110% between 2005 and 2050 to meet growing food and feed demand. Intensification and/or expansion of agriculture are the two main options available to meet the growing crop demands. Land conversion to expand cultivated land increases GHG emissions and impacts biodiversity and ecosystem services. Closing yield gaps to attain potential yields may be a viable option to increase the global crop production. Traditional methods of agricultural intensification often have negative externalities.

Exploring the biophysical option space for feeding the world without deforestation

Peer-reviewed publication
Março, 2016

Safeguarding the world’s remaining forests is a high-priority goal. We assess the biophysical option space for feeding the world in 2050 in a hypothetical zero-deforestation world. We systematically combine realistic assumptions on future yields, agricultural areas, livestock feed and human diets. For each scenario, we determine whether the supply of crop products meets the demand and whether the grazing intensity stays within plausible limits. We find that many options exist to meet the global food supply in 2050 without deforestation, even at low crop-yield levels.

Smallholders, food security, and the environment

Reports & Research
Novembro, 2013

There are 1.4 billion poor people living on less than US$1.25 a day. One billion of them live in rural areas where agriculture is their main source of livelihood. The ‘green revolution’ in agriculture that swept large parts of the developing world during the 1960s and 1970s dramatically increased agricultural productivity and reduced poverty. Many of the productivity gains accrued to smallholder farmers, supported through research and extension services.

The environmental food crisis: the environment's role in averting future food crises

Reports & Research
Agosto, 2010

The surge in food prices in the last years, following a century of decline, has been the most marked of the past century in its magnitude, duration and the number of commodity groups whose prices have increased. The ensuing crisis has resulted in a 50–200% increase in selected commodity prices, driven 110 million people into poverty and added 44 million more to the undernourished.

Climate-smart agriculture global research agenda: scientific basis for action

Peer-reviewed publication
Julho, 2014

Climate-smart agriculture (CSA) addresses the challenge of meeting the growing demand for food, fibre and fuel, despite the changing climate and fewer opportunities for agricultural expansion on additional lands. CSA focuses on contributing to economic development, poverty reduction and food security; maintaining and enhancing the productivity and resilience of natural and agricultural ecosystem functions, thus building natural capital; and reducing trade-offs involved in meeting these goals.

Эколого-экономические аспекты эксплуатационно-воспроизводственных процессов в сфере сельскохозяйственного землепользования Ставропольского края

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2013

The article examines the use of the fertile layer of soil and its reproduction, shows the qualitative
composition of lands of Stavropol Territory. Some basics mechanism of reproduction of agricultural land are presented. The main methods of reproduction of fertility of the soil – agrotechnical actions (use of rational system of agriculture – optimum crop rotations, chemicalixation, melioration) are proved.

Making the most of our land: meeting supply and demand of soil functions across spatial scales

Conference Papers & Reports
Dezembro, 2015

The challenges of achieving both food security and sustainability have resulted in a confluence of demands on land within the European Union: we expect our land to provide food, purify water, sequester carbon, and provide a home to biodiversity and to external nutrients. All soils perform all these five functions, but some soils ‘are better at’ supplying selective functions. Functional Land Management is a framework for policy making aimed at meeting these demands by incentivising soil management and land use practices that selectively augment specific soil functions, where required.