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Displaying 745 - 756 of 838

Rain, prosperity and peace

Dezembro, 2004

This report provides a record of the Global Pastoralist Gathering, an event which brought together more than 200 pastoralists and their supporters from 23 countries to raise the profile and voice of pastoralists in governance and policy processes around the world. In a series of short articles, the report sets out the perspectives of pastoralist leaders from countries in Africa, Asia, Europe and the Americas.There area number of key issues that were identified during the gathering which concern pastoralists around the world.

Too many people, too few livestock: pastoralism in crisis?

Dezembro, 2006
África subsariana


This thesis, is based on the follwing legs of argument, as follows:

The pastoral human population is growing at about 2.5% per year

A certain minimum number of livestock are needed to support these humans as pastoralists, even at very low levels of welfare.

The maximum total pastoral herd size is limited by the amount of livestock feed available. Where numbers temporarily exceed this limit they soon die back.

Understanding and promoting range management by herders in Eastern Turkey

Dezembro, 1984
Sudoeste Asiático
Norte de África

This paper describes the pastoral situation in Erzurum Province, Anatolia, Turkey, and gives an account of some of the existing range management practices.It emphasises the necessity of understanding existing pastoral practices, and more importantly the circumstances that give rise to them, when planning the improvement of livestock husbandry, breeding, fodder production and pasture management. Erzurum province is one of the most important areas in Turkey for the production of sheep and cattle for fattening and slaughter.

Taking the bull by the horns: NGOs and pastoralists in coalition

Dezembro, 1991
África subsariana

Such is the vagary of rainfall throughout Africa's rangelands that almost all pastoral communities face cycles of good and hardship years. During good years herders increase and diversify their herds, whilst consecutive hardship years or `pastoral drought,' human and livestock disease, or livestock theft may result in large livestock losses and the consequent temporary collapse of household food production.

Risk and vulnerability in Ethiopia: learning from the past, responding to the present, preparing for the future

Dezembro, 2002
África subsariana

This paper aims to learn from the household survival strategies in Ethiopia that have evolved to manage diverse disaster hazards with a view that such strategies can inform more effective disaster preparedness, relief, recovery and prevention, policies and interventions.This report describes the systems that are in place that are designed for the early detection of crisis, the nature of humanitarian responses these systems have induced, and the outlook for the coming year.Recommendations arising from the research include:early warning/monitoring information systems need to operate independe

Media perceptions and portrayals of pastoralists in Kenya, India and China

Janeiro, 2013

Through the analysis of newspaper articles and a survey of journalists, this publication identifies gaps and highlights differences in how the media portray pastoralism in Kenya, China and India. In discussing their methodology, the authors note that their reliance on national, English-language publications meant that they were not able to include data from vernacular language press in pastoral regions.Although able to make significant contributions to food security, livelihoods and economic prosperity, the benefits of pastoralism often go unnoticed.

Pastoralist community harmonization in the Karamoja Cluster: taking it to the next level

Dezembro, 2000
África subsariana

This study assesses the impact of the Pastoralist Community Harmonization Initiative (PCHI) on animal health and conflict resolution, while proposing synergies them. Among the key recommendations, the author advocates for the use of animal health as a point of entry into communities experiencing conflict.

African range wars: climate, conflict, and property rights

Dezembro, 2009
África subsariana

This paper examines the effect of climate change on pastoralist conflict in Africa. The rangelands of East Africa is particularly vulnerable to drought, which is associated with climate change. In this respect, the paper focuses its analysis on changes in resource availability contrasting cases of abundance and scarcity. The authors clarify that the role of resources is further contextualised by competing notions of property rights, and the role of the state in defining property and associated rights.

Changes in migration and feeding patterns among semi-nomadic pastoralists in Northern Syria

Dezembro, 1992
Sudoeste Asiático
Norte de África

This article looks at the changes which are taking place in the Syrian semi-nomadic bedouin flocks' feeding and migration patterns, and the historical reasons for these changes. Most of the discussion will focus on three steppe-based villages in northern Syria, where the International Center for Agricultural Research in Dry Areas (ICARDA) undertook a three-year survey between 1978 and 1981, and where a follow-up study was done this year.