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Displaying 37 - 48 of 838

Law on pastures No. 4342.

Sudoeste Asiático

This Law sets forth basic procedures and rules for the defining and allocation of pasture areas to various villages and municipalities. The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs is authorized to determine the boundaries of pastures and their allocation to relevant entities. The procedure for this application is clearly defined in the Law. The finalized boundaries are then recorded to corresponding title deeds. Allocation process is renewed every five years.

Range Practices Regulation (B.C. Reg. 177/95).

América do Norte

This regulation implements Forest Practices Code of British Columbia Act; (therein referred to the Act ) and has 4 parts. The first part refers to definitions. Part 2 deals with Range Developments. It starts by outlining restrictions on location of range developments in a community watershed as defined in section 41 (8) of the Act.(sec 3). Its further deals with seeding of soil exposed by range developments, (sec 4), and Maintenance of range developments, (sec 5). Part 3 outlines Range Practices.

Arrêté conjoint n°2000-30/MRA/AGRI/MEE/MEF/MATS/MEM/MIHU portant réglementation du pâturage et de la transhumance du bétail au Burkina Faso.

Burkina Faso
África Ocidental

Cet arrêté porte création, composition, attributions et fonctionnement de la commission technique interministérielle chargée de l'examen de projets de textes règlementaires régissant des activités pastorales.

International Boundary Agreement between the Sultanate of Oman and the Republic of Yemen.

International Conventions or Treaties
Sudoeste Asiático

Article 2 of the Agreement indicates the geographical co-ordinates which form, in accordance with article 1, the boundary which divides the territory of Yemen on the one side and that of Oman on the other side. A Joint Technical Commission shall be established for survey purposes (art. 4). Exploitation of common natural resources shall be subject to further agreement (art. 6). Grazing and use of water resources shall be regulated in accordance with the attached Annexes to this Agreement.

Pasture’s Order (License Issuing), 1946.

Sudoeste Asiático

This Order, composed of 10 sections, gives definitions and makes provisions for the issuing of pasturing licenses. Section 1 gives name to this Order. Section 2 gives definitions. Section 3 provides the Minister of Agriculture with powers to set ordinances regarding the announcement of any area as an Inspected Grazing Area. Section 4 prohibits pasturing in Inspected Grazing Areas unless in possession of a Grazing Licence. Section 5 provides with licensing procedures. Sections 6-8 regard licensing procedures. Section 9 sets offences and penalties.

Pasture’s Regulations (License Issuing), 1947.

Sudoeste Asiático

This Regulation, composed of eight sections and two Annexes, gives definitions and makes provisions for the issuing of pasturing licenses. Section 1 gives name to this Order. Section 2 gives definitions. Section 3 makes provisions for the issuing of a Pasturing License and/or a Pasturing Plate that shall have value equal to a Pasturing license. Sections 4-6 set License or Plate validity till 31 December of the current year and provides with renewal procedures including taxes and levies.

Provincial Act No. 21 laying down the legislative framework on forestry.

Europa meridional

This Provincial Act is divided into five Titles. The aims pursued are the protection of any kind of land falling within the provincial territory, giving particular regard to forests, mountain grasslands and pastures, in order to ensure their conservation and productivity and to guarantee their rational and sustainable use.

Decree of the President of the Provincial Council No. 29 on forestry.

Europa meridional

This Decree lays down provisions for implementing Provincial Act No. 21 of 21 October 1996 relative to the forestry sector. The Decree is divided into three Titles and contains two Annexes. Title I regulates the hydrogeological and forest bonds referred to in article 3 of Provincial Act No. 21 of 1996. Article 2 concerns its removal under certain circumstances. Title II lays down particular provisions for bound lands. Part I of Title II regulates the transformation of forests. Article 4 gives the definition of forest.

Royal Decree Law No. 3267 re-arranging and reforming the legislation in matter of forests and mountain territories.

Europa meridional

This Decree Law represents the basic legal framework in matter of forestry. Since it was enacted in 1923, it must be coordinated with the Constitution, which entrusts particular legislative and administrative competences to the Regions in matter of forestry as well (art. 117). The Decree consists of seven Titles. Title I makes provision for the protection of the public interests. To this end, certain restrictions shall be applied to private lands, so as to guarantee the public safety and protect the water regime.

Arrêté conjoint nº2000-34/MRA/AGRI/0MEE/MEF/MATS/MEM/MIHU portant délimitation dans la province du Bazèga de la zone à vocation pastorale de Gaongho-Sud.

Burkina Faso
África Ocidental

Cet arrêté porte délimitation dans la province du Bazèga de la zone à vocation pastorale de Gaongho-Sud, d'une superficie de 6.762 ha, est située entre les parallèles 1l°56' et 12°04' de latitude Nord et les méridiens 01°03' et 0l°09' de longitude Ouest. La zone à vocation pastorale est constituée d'un ensemble d'espaces de terres rurales délimitées et aménagées à des fins d'activités pastorales en association avec des productions végétales et forestières.

Amendments of the Law on Exploitation and Protection of Forestry and Range Lands.

Sudoeste Asiático
Ásia Meridional

The amendments concern the need for authorization from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Agriculture for the conversion of forest and valley land into the following: 1. making farmland, orchard, rangeland, artificial forests, forage land, livestock institutions, aquatic breeding institutions, as well as the use for mine exploting and exploration (in nothern Iran); and 2. establishment of factories, townships, schools, training institutions, sport clubs, etc.