As climate change continues to progress, the frequency and intensity of catastrophic events are on the rise across the world, including the African continent. What were once rare occurrences are now becoming more common, causing widespread devastation. Unfortunately, it is those living in rural…
This blog post is part of the series What to Read.
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As a researcher compiling African country portfolios for the Land Portal, I have been struck by the widening inequalities, both within countries in the…
Este blog forma parte de la serie Qué leer.
Como investigador que recopila carteras de países africanos para el Land Portal, me ha sorprendido el aumento de las desigualdades, tanto dentro de los países del Sur global como entre el Sur y el Norte. Los vínculos entre la minería, la captura de…
Cet article de blog fait partie de la série Quoi lire.
En tant que chercheur compilant les portefeuilles de pays africains pour le Land Portal, j'ai été frappé par le creusement des inégalités, tant au sein des pays du Sud qu'entre le Sud et le Nord. Les liens entre l'exploitation minière, la…
Este blog faz parte da série What to Read (O que ler).
Como pesquisador que compila os perfis de países africanos para o Land Portal, fiquei impressionado com o aumento das desigualdades, tanto dentro dos países do Sul global quanto entre o Sul e o Norte. As ligações entre mineração, captura de…
Cet article de blog fait partie de la série Quoi lire.
En tant que chercheur compilant les portefeuilles de pays africains pour le Land Portal, j'ai été frappé par le creusement des inégalités, tant au sein des pays du Sud qu'entre le Sud et le Nord. Les liens entre l'exploitation minière, la…
By Phillan Zamchiya, Institute for Poverty, Land and Agrarian Studies (PLAAS)
* This article was originally published as part of the online discussion on customary law in Southern Africa
Chieftaincy in Africa is shaped by developmental visions of the State, the political interests of the ruling…
A really important report from the International Land Coalition and Oxfam is just out called ‘Uneven Ground: Land Inequality at the Heart of Unequal Societies’, along with 17 supporting papers. Through new analysis it shows that land inequality is even larger than previously thought, and that this…
No mês passado, um ex-ministro do governo do Zimbábue foi preso por venda ilegal de terrenos públicos. Alguns dias depois, um tribunal da Malásia condenou por corrupção o ex-presidente de uma agência de desenvolvimento agrário de terras públicas. E, em janeiro, o governo da Estônia desmoronou em…
The debate about compensation of former white farmers in Zimbabwe continues to rage. The compensation agreement signed in July agreed a total amount of US$3.5 billion to pay for ‘improvements’ to the land that was expropriated. After 20 years of discussion, this was a major step forward. However,…
By Owen Dhliwayo and Refiloe Joala
Munyokowere villagers versus the State
In a recent court ruling, presided over by Justice Mwayera at the Mutare High Court on 24 July 2020, an interdict was granted to prevent the eviction of 750 households from their homes and agricultural land in Munyokowere…
Por Hilary Zhou
Fome e conflito são a face do continente africano. Mas nem sempre foi assim.
Foi o arranjo da Conferência de Berlim que dividiu o continente em colônias em prol dos lucros estrangeiros e rasgou o tecido social que antes distribuíra prosperidade a seus habitantes. A maioria dos…