Until today, the world had no internationally comparable data on citizens’ perceptions of the security their property rights; no way of tracking how people evaluated the likelihood of their home or other land being taken from them.
As of today, that changes: Prindex unveils the first wave of our…
Working on and with open data means that we are avid believers in the notion that pathways of information should be opened up, that we are building the proper technological infrastructures for information to be appropriately shared, thereby creating connections. Networks such as the International…
A revolution is underway. In Latin America, it has likely crested. In Southeast Asia and West Africa, it is moving apace. In East Africa, it is at its most intense.
It is brewing most remarkably not in storied national capitals and megacities, but in the medium sized, second-tier cities, less…
The world would be a pretty dull and hungry place if it weren’t for Indigenous Peoples and local communities.
Indigenous Peoples and local communities play a central role in feeding the world. They look after much of the world’s biodiversity, with at least 80% of planet’s biodiversity found in…
Artículo de la presidenta nacional de Afammer con motivo del Día Internacional de la Mujer Rural
Por Carmen Quintanilla
Los días internacionales son una gran oportunidad para reflexionar y sensibilizar sobre temas que necesitan la atención de toda la sociedad, o recordar aspectos que la…
Este es un artículo de opinión de José Graziano da Silva, director general de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO).
Por José Graziano da Silva
Hace solo tres años, en septiembre de 2015, todos los Estados miembros de las Naciones Unidas…
Este artículo forma parte de la cobertura de IPS sobre el Día Internacional de las Mujeres Rurales, el 15 de octubre.
Por Mariela Jara
LIMA, 11 oct 2018 (IPS) - Las mujeres rurales de América Latina son determinantes en metas como un desarrollo sostenible en el campo, la seguridad…
The debate on agriculture and development is heated and, apparently, never ending. This is especially true of the role and position of peasant (or smallholder) agriculture, with people either vigorously defending the sector or saying that in time it will (and should) disappear. Prof. Olivier de…
This week in Geneva, the Human Rights Council is expected to take a position on the follow-up to a draft Declaration on the Rights of Peasants and Other Persons Working in Rural Areas. Five years after the start of the negotiations, we are at a turning point.
On 3 July, by a large majority of 534…
Por: Olivier De Schutter
El próximo 28 de septiembre el Consejo de Derechos Humanos votará el proyecto de Declaración de los derechos de los campesinos
El pasado mes de mayo se presentó ante la ONU el Proyecto de Declaración sobre los derechos de los campesinos. Este documento sin precedentes…
We are facing challenges in our collective efforts to ensure that land rights are respected around the world. We are fighting the odds with ever more powerful companies and governments surrounding us. And these forces are all too often working in collusion to drive business forward with a profit at…
Date: 21 septembre 2018
Source: Grain.org, Mouvement mondial pour les forêts tropicales
« Hier est passé, vivre aujourd’hui sagement et, puisque demain ne peut être assuré,
la lutte commence maintenant… »
Hajaratu Abdulahi de Nigeria
Décidé à Mundemba, au Cameroun, réitéré à Port Loko, Sierra…