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Community / Land projects / National Peasant Coalition of Pakistan

National Peasant Coalition of Pakistan


03/14 - 03/15


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Extension of National Peasant Coalition of Pakistan (NPCP - III) Background: National Peasants Coalition of Pakistan (NPCP) is an initiative of SCOPE, transformed into an Oxfam-Novib supported project during 2011. It is aiming at forming a national level coalition of peasants# and small farmers' organizations that are demanding for the fair land and agrarian reforms in the country. In the endof December 2011, a formal set up of NPCP was set up with a formalized governance structure, secretariat, advisory board and a 3 years strategic plan to revitalize land and agrarian reforms struggle from this national platform. Oxfam Novib (ONL) supported first phase of NPCP-PKS project, through a grant number PAK -506281-0008127, covering period of Jan-Dec. 2011,to push the agenda of agrarian reforms in the country through organizing peasants organizations in an alliance. And at the end of first phase; the second phase was approved from July 12 to Aug 13, under project number A-02421-02-506281. This continuationphase was dedicated to capacity building of NPCP members, media mobilization on land reforms, district level organization and advocacy for land reforms with political parties, media and other stakeholders, information dissemination and organizing regional experience sharing workshop in which regional grassroots land right activists, parliamentarians, media and other stakeholders participated. The project period was filled with intense activities and was able to gain a momentum among land right advocacy in Pakistan. Aims <(>&<)> Objectives: This year under the NPCP project Oxfam Novib <(>&<)> Scope aims to (i) commission research and analysis regarding land and agrarian reforms, to right tofood, linkages between climate variation and impact on small farmers and their food security (ii) pave way for Government institutionalized process for land and agrarian reforms, (iii) link the NPCP with other similar movements within national and regional level, (iv) engage state and government authorities for agrarian and land reforms, also including campaigning and supporting for improvements in tenancy acts at provincial levels, and (v) struggle towards distribution/ redistribution of feudal held land by the state among the landless peasants (vi) Consolidate and raise voices for Right to Food Major outcomes of NPCP for this year would be: - Institutional development and strengthening of NPCP and shaping it as greater national alliance of stakeholders organizations around NPCP, who are solely or partially involved on land rights issues, and - Work to initiate national / provincial level processes to formformal national/ provincial policy in favor of land reforms / land use / land governance

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