Community / Land projects / FLC: Pastoralist Land tenure Security Project 2021 -2023
FLC: Pastoralist Land tenure Security Project 2021 -2023
11/13 - 12/16
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Implementing Organisations
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The project covers spesific activities under three separate units of the Legal Assistance Centre. The AIDS Law Unit focuses on HIV/AIDS and the law and seeks to educate and empower people infected and affacted by HIV. The Gender research and advocacy proje ct seems to promote gender equality and the empowerment of women through legal research law reform and related advocacy work. ACtivities focus on women and children through empowerment training awareness raising on spesific matters. Land Environment and De velopment Unit addresses three areas which are closely linked and which also have potential to have a huge impact on poverty. The activities will focus on the poor and landless communities obtaining increased benefits from the land reform program proper im plementation and adherence to the Environmentalö Management Act and community empowerment.