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Dados estatísticos (indicadores)

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Displaying 561 - 576 of 712 statistical indicators

Resource Governance Index (oil&gas)

The Resource Governance Index (oil&gas) assesses policies and practices that authorities employ to govern their countries’ oil&gas industries. Extractive industries are one of the drivers of land use change.

Measurement unit:

Percentage (%)

Restricted access to productive and financial resources (SIGI2019)

This sub-index captures women’s restricted access to and control over critical productive and economic resources and assets.

Measurement unit:

Index (0; 100)

Restricted Civil Liberties

This indicator is a component of the SIGI - Social Institutions and Gender Index  captures discriminatory laws and practices that restrict women’s access to public space, their political voice and their participation in all aspects of public life.

Measurement unit:

Index (0; 1)

Restricted civil liberties (SIGI2019)

This sub-index captures discriminatory laws and practices that restrict women’s access to public space, their political voice and their participation in all aspects of public life.

Measurement unit:

Index (0; 100)

Restricted Resources and Entitlements

The indicator is a component of the SIGI - Social Institutions and Gender Index  and measures whether women and men have equal and secure access to land use, control and ownership.

Measurement unit:

Index (0; 1)

Restricted Resources and Entitlements - Land Titles Owned by Women

This indicator is taken from the OECD the Gender, Institutions and Development Database (GID-DB). It is and index ranging from 0 to 1.

Measurement unit:

Index (0; 1)

Restricted Resources and Entitlements - Woman Access to Land

This indicator is a sub-component of the Restricted Resources and Entitlements Indicator and measures whether women and men have equal and secure access to land use, control and ownership.

Measurement unit:

Index (0; 1)

Restrictions on land ownership/transfer effectively serve public good

Restrictions on land ownership/transfer effectively serve public good measured on a scale from A - which stands for good practices - to D - reflecting weak practices. For more information please visit

Measurement unit:

Index (A; D)

Restrictions on land use effectively serve public purpose

Restrictions on land use effectively serve public purpose measured on a scale from A - which stands for good practices - to D - reflecting weak practices. For more information please visit

Measurement unit:

Index (A; D)

Restrictions on rural land transferability serve public purpose

Restrictions on rural land transferability serve public purpose measured on a scale from A - which stands for good practices - to D - reflecting weak practices. For more information please visit

Measurement unit:

Index (A; D)

Restrictions on rural land use, ownership and transferability

Restrictions on rural land use, ownership and transferability measured on a scale from A - which stands for good practices - to D - reflecting weak practices. For more information please visit

Measurement unit:

Index (A; D)

Restrictions on urban land use, ownership and transferability

Restrictions on urban land use, ownership and transferability measured on a scale from A - which stands for good practices - to D - reflecting weak practices. For more information please visit

Measurement unit:

Index (A; D)

Restrictions regarding rural land use are enforced

Restrictions regarding rural land use are enforced measured on a scale from A - which stands for good practices - to D - reflecting weak practices. For more information please visit

Measurement unit:

Index (A; D)

Rights over & subsoil can legally coexist

Rights over & subsoil can legally coexist measured on a scale from A - which stands for good practices - to D - reflecting weak practices. For more information please visit

Measurement unit:

Index (A; D)

Rule of law

Rule of law captures perceptions of the extent to which agents have confidence in and abide by the rules of society, and in particular the quality of contract enforcement, property rights, the police, and the courts, as well as the likelihood of crime and violence.

Measurement unit:

Index (-2.5; 2.5)