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Os nossos blogues sobre terras

Descubra histórias ocultas e vozes silenciadas sobre questões de governaça da terra no mundo. É aqui que a comunidade do Land Portal partilha atividades, experiências, desafios e sucessos.

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31 Maio 2021
Vitor Bukvar Fernandes
Blog originalmente publicado no IGTNews No. 30


27 Maio 2021

By: Thais Bessa, gender advisor at Integrated Land and Resource Governance (ILRG). 

Purnima Kora is an ambitious farmer. She owns two small parcels of land that she purchased with her husband’s support and years of savings she earned from farming PepsiCo potatoes and rice, as well as by leveraging micro loans through a women’s self-help group. She also leases another half-acre plot to farm potatoes.  

26 Maio 2021

Summaries and selected replays from the 3rd Mekong Regional Land Forum are available below. Full replays of the plenary sessions will be posted shortly -- check back soon!

24 Maio 2021
abdeslam arktout

Instruments like the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security (VGGT) are "voluntary", i.e., legally non-binding. These instruments are intended to have a direct influence on the governance of the tenure practice of states by providing an internationally recognized set of principles, and by simultaneously encouraging good practices.

17 Maio 2021

Article written by Hal Brands and originally published by Bloomberg at:

(Photo: Buddha at the border. Photographer: Arun Sankar/AFP/Getty Images)


The Pax Americana made outright invasions too risky, so autocrats are swallowing their neighbors one piece at a time.

17 Maio 2021

Foto: Carlos Herrera | Confidencial

13 Maio 2021
Indígenas colombianos a bordo de um ônibus ‘chiva’ passam diante de uma tropa militar nos arredores de Cali, na quarta-feira. Em vídeo, a participação dos indígenas nas manifestações.LUIS ROBAYO / AFP


Por Sally Palomino


O confronto entre homens armados e grupos indígenas em Cali colocou em cena uma violência histórica que o país ainda não leva em consideração


07 Maio 2021
Nicholas Parkinson

A Colombian Mayor surprises her constituents with land titles and uses live video and social media to spread civic messages about formalizing land tenure


Fuentedeoro’s Mayor, Patricia Mancera, took the world on a digital tour of her town. On Monday last week, Mancera’s team went live on Facebook, while walking door-to-door to deliver registered property titles to dozens of neighbors living in Fuentedeoro’s urban center.